Excuse any typos I may have in this post - I am doing it 1-handed. Incredible body with powerful and sexy legs, nice back/arms/shoulder and face. BUT THIS ASS IS AS PERFECT AS IT GETS!!!!!!!! Each cheek looks like a Bowling Ball and her suit makes her look even sexier. You would break a hand slapping her ass. If you slammed hard into her you would hurt yourself. Grinding on her ass while kissing her back and neck would make me lose it ASAP. I want to Marry Her but know I can't because if I did I'd die within 7 days from exhaustion from fucking her 24/7. Don't know her name but she is unreal hot. http://40.media.tumblr.com/e5f80ddc97d0faa693386880b77c1aa8/tumblr_o023k4FhLo1uvi1sno1_500.jpg