That blonde lass from the uk e4 show glue who was having sex with that guy on ep1 or 2 can't remember. Can't find any snaps or vids of it. Anyone that can find it be great. I find her to be a looker.
been watching carry on loving today on tv and just thought some of the lasses seem attractive. Knowing this was around the 60's and 70's just wondering what were the nude scenes like back then if any? Any hot babes back in them days? Would love to see them
I just remembered that in that Bruce Lee film the way of [NOBABE]the dragon[/NOBABE] there was a slight scene that showed some boobs when Bruce lee took a woman from the streets to a room. Anyone got clips/pics of that hot stuff?
I like her in The Newsroom. She mentioned on a commentary being in a film where she did a nude scene but then the director told her to put her clothes on. Silly director. Nice set.
I like her in The Newsroom. She mentioned on a commentary being in a film where she did a nude scene but then the director told her to put her clothes on. Silly director. Nice set.