Actor Gary Coleman tragically dies at the age of 42

Sad to see another one of the stars of my youth has passed. Rest in peace, Gary.

This reminds me of when Dana Plato died too. Two sad stories.

I still remember what a beautiful ass Dana had back in the Different Strokes days. Simply amazing. Hopefully she is young and beautiful once again in heaven, and Gary is healthy, happy, and all his pain is over.


What a novel idea! If that's the case, why don't we truly celebrate death?

YAY! In April, my cat died of cancer. YAY! Good for her, she was an awesome cat and totally deserved it!
What a novel idea! If that's the case, why don't we truly celebrate death?

YAY! In April, my cat died of cancer. YAY! Good for her, she was an awesome cat and totally deserved it!

Was there a celebratory tone to my post? If there was, I certainly don't see it.

I neither know, nor care what anyone else's religious beliefs are. Some people, for whatever reason, be it religious or otherwise, believe that death is not the end of life. No one can prove whether there is life after death or not. For me, it is just something I choose to believe. I guess I'd rather take the positive outlook than the negative one.

If you would rather wring your hands and curse death, while believing that we do not go on to a better place, that is certainly your right. It is also my right to believe what I choose to believe.

Let's hope, for your cat's sake, I'm the one who ends up being right.
Too soon?

Man, that's a fucking bummer. He was on "Nitro Circus" (Travis Pastrana's stunt extravaganza) and he seemed like a really cool guy.

Well, you know they say celebrities always die in 3's.

First Gary Coleman, then Dennis Hopper, then Sarah Jessica Parker...oh wait she's not dead yet is she, she just looks it. :wave2: