Hey Guys I'm new here, I thought I'd join since I find myself here a lot looking for the hot girls..
Anyways, I've been a member of Nsparks and I sent her outfits like "white blouse" the pink slingshot bikini, and on her new site, WildNatalie, I sent her the blue slingshot bikini..
Up till now shes done me very good..She has been hard to contact for a few months, her forum is down, I got a hold of her a few times on Twitter until my account disappeared (weird) and I found her on Peachez forum to which I can't get a reply. I sent her what i saw in this thread. Hope she gets it all straight. I'm still waiting for another outfit by her to shoot which I sent but I have a feeling i may not see it..Hope she proves me wrong there. Have a nice one.