Abortion support went 6% up since January

Support for legal abortion at highest level in 2 years

Support for legal abortion in the U.S. has edged up to its highest level in the past two years, with an Associated Press-GfK poll showing an apparent increase in support among Democrats and Republicans alike over the last year.

Nearly six in 10 Americans — 58 percent — now think abortion should be legal in most or all cases, up from 51 percent who said so at the beginning of the year, according to the AP-GfK survey. It was conducted after three people were killed last month in a shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado.

However, just over a third of Americans want laws on abortion to be stricter than they are now, the poll shows, while a quarter think they should be less strict.

While support for legal abortion edged up to 40 percent among Republicans in this month's poll, from 35 percent in January, the survey found that the GOP remains deeply divided on the issue: Seven in 10 conservative Republicans said they want abortion to be illegal in most or all cases; six in 10 moderate and liberal Republicans said the opposite.

Count 55-year-old Victor Remdt, of Gurnee, Illinois, among the conservatives who think abortion should be illegal in most cases. He's adopted, and says he "wouldn't be here talking" if his birth mother had opted for abortion rather than adoption. Remdt, who's looking for work as a commercial driver, said he'd like to see abortion laws become more restrictive but adds that he's not a one-issue voter on the matter.

John Burk, a conservative Republican from Houston, Texas, is among those whose position on abortion is somewhere in the middle. He reasons that banning the procedure would only lead to "back-alley abortions." But he's open to restrictions such as parental notification requirements and a ban on late-term abortions.

Burk, a 59-year-old computer programmer, said he tracks his beliefs on the issue to his libertarian leanings and the fact that he's not religious. He doesn't see the nation coming to a resolution on the divisive issue any time soon, saying hard-liners on both sides of the question are entrenched and "they're never going to change."

Among Democrats, 76 percent of poll respondents now think abortion should be legal all or most of the time, up slightly from 69 percent in January.

Independents are more evenly split, with 54 percent saying abortion should be legal all or most of the time, edging up from 43 percent in January.

For Larry Wiggins, who describes himself as a liberal Democrat from Henderson, North Carolina, legal access to abortion should be — but isn't — a settled matter.

"A woman has the right to decide what she wants to do with her body," he said flatly. "I don't think the government has the right to interfere."

Nefertiti Durant, a 45-year-old independent voter from Columbia, Maryland, sees abortion as more complex matter, calling it "kind of a Catch-22." She thinks a woman should have the right to choose abortion but she's "not so keen on the fact that just anybody can go and have an abortion." She worries that young people may not understand the effects of the procedure, and the "deep issues" that go along with it.

Still, she said, abortion is legal and "let's just leave it at that. ... I don't think it's a matter of discussion."

It undoubtedly will be up for discussion, though, in a presidential election year. All of the Republican presidential candidates say they favor restricting abortion rights. The Democratic candidates support broad abortion rights.

Interest in the issue picked up this year after anti-abortion activists began releasing undercover videos they said showed Planned Parenthood personnel negotiating the sale of fetal organs. Planned Parenthood said any payments were legally permitted reimbursements for the costs of donating organs to researchers, and it has since stopped accepting even that money. Republicans have sought to cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood, and several GOP-governed states have tried to block Medicaid funding to the organization.

Overall, the poll found, 45 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of Planned Parenthood, and 30 percent have an unfavorable opinion. A quarter said they don't know enough about the organization to say.

The AP-GfK Poll of 1,007 adults was conducted online Dec. 3-7, using a sample drawn from GfK's probability-based KnowledgePanel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points. Respondents were first selected randomly using telephone or mail survey methods, and later interviewed online. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn't otherwise have access to the Internet were provided access at no cost to them.

After the fake Plannned Parenhood video controversy and the recent attacks on Planned Parenthood, it's good to see that the American people doesn't buy the lies spread anti-abortion activists and conservative medias and that about 2 out of 3 americans still support legal abortion.
It sure is satisfying when the right's smear campaigns bite them in the ass. Try to take away people's rights, as republicans in the USA are perpetually doing, and there is always a backlash.
It sure is satisfying when the left's smear campaigns bite them in the ass. Try to take away people's guns as democrats in the USA are perpetually doing, and there is always a backlash.

You are temporarily off ignore. Only because I knew you'd still be contributing dumbassery and your post was like shooting fish in a barrel...

My Christmas present to myself FA LA LA LA LA..LA LA LA LA
Congratulations, you're the only person I know who likes to receive bullshit for xmas. I guess it beats making an actual argument when you have no ground to stand on.
Congratulations, you're the only person I know who likes to receive bullshit for xmas. I guess it beats making an actual argument when you have no ground to stand on.

Somebody's butthurt. My post stood you on your head. You're low energy.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You're right BC. Leaving them on ignore has helped keep my blood pressure down. I refuse to interact with people who believe murdering babies is okey dokey.
Somebody's butthurt. My post stood you on your head. You're low energy.

I am low energy, but sure as hell not butthurt. I've been amazed at my inability to care about your fucked up country since I moved back to the first world.

I just look in from time to time to watch you guys make idiots of yourselves. How did your post stand me on my head? Was it the temporarily off ignore argument, or the brilliantly executed shooting fish in a barrel counter point? In order to stand me on my head you'd have to make some kind of coherent argument, and you haven't done that on this board in months.

Why don't you show us all how superior you are by listing all the attempts by democrats to take people's guns away, with particular emphasis on initiatives undertaken by the current administration?
You're right BC. Leaving them on ignore has helped keep my blood pressure down. I refuse to interact with people who believe murdering babies is okey dokey.

Might as well put me on ignore too then. I think PP is doing great work so much so that after the "scandal" broke out and we got into heated arguments on here, I made a nice monetary donation to PP of Illinois :D
I am low energy, but sure as hell not butthurt. I've been amazed at my inability to care about your fucked up country since I moved back to the first world.

I just look in from time to time to watch you guys make idiots of yourselves. How did your post stand me on my head? Was it the temporarily off ignore argument, or the brilliantly executed shooting fish in a barrel counter point? In order to stand me on my head you'd have to make some kind of coherent argument, and you haven't done that on this board in months.

Why don't you show us all how superior you are by listing all the attempts by democrats to take people's guns away, with particular emphasis on initiatives undertaken by the current administration?

No. How about you start with demonstrating the attempts of Republicans trying to take away abortion. You know, this massive effort that has gained traction where it is only a matter if time before back alley abortions take place.
Not, defunding an organization that has engaged in macabre and unethical practices. Which oh by the way, didn't happen, again those evil Republicans. No organization has been on the receiving end of a smear campaign as the NRA.
You put your foot in your mouth, I was just happy to be able to cram it in even farther.
No. How about you start with demonstrating the attempts of Republicans trying to take away abortion. You know, this massive effort that has gained traction where it is only a matter if time before back alley abortions take place.
Not, defunding an organization that has engaged in macabre and unethical practices. Which oh by the way, didn't happen, again those evil Republicans. No organization has been on the receiving end of a smear campaign as the NRA.
You put your foot in your mouth, I was just happy to be able to cram it in even farther.

Of course you won't try to prove your point, because you're the most feeble and inept legal secretary ever. How about you even show where I put my foot in my mouth? You're all smoke and mirrors. I stood you on your head, you put your foot in your mouth, like shooting fish in a barrel, just don't ask me to point out where any of these things took place, because I am completely hopeless!

http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/gpr/17/1/gpr170109.html - "An unprecedented wave of state-level abortion restrictions swept the country over the past three years. In 2013 alone, 22 states enacted 70 antiabortion measures, including previability abortion bans, unwarranted doctor and clinic regulations, limits on the provision of medication abortion and bans on insurance coverage of abortion. However, 2013 was not even the year with the greatest number of new state-level abortion restrictions, as 2011 saw 92 enacted; 43 abortion restrictions were enacted by states in 2012."


http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/01/republican-abortion-ban-20-weeks - May 13, 2015: House Republicans will bring the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act up for a vote on Wednesday. Party leadership previously canceled the vote, in January, amid concerns that it would hurt the party's image with women. The bill at that time included an exemption for rape only if the rape victim reported her assault to the police. The current version of the legislation has dropped that reporting requirement.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2015/01/08/republicans-abortion_n_6438522.html?ir=Australia - Emboldened by a new Senate majority, Republicans in Congress introduced five abortion restrictions in the first three days of the new legislative session that would severely limit women's access to the procedure.

Now, I realize that that was a waste of time, because you'll dismiss all of it out of hand and say something completely irrelevant and meaningless like "see! You just proved my point", because you're way too far gone to even realize how stupid you make yourself look, but for the sake of argument, because it's all here for everyone to see, I've responded to your request, even though I made mine first.
3 references from articles and one is Mother Jones?

Look you Aussie hillbilly, states have regulations regarding just about everything. Abortion procedures vary greatly from state to state. Which isnt exactly outlawing the procedure. As for citing what you requested:

1. You are still butthurt because your initial post was so easily dismantled by changing 3 or 4 words to demonstrate the inconsistancy of the liberal mindset that it probably left you sucking your thumb in a corner.

2. The left, from the president on down are on record politicizing and calling for even more restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights. The fact that the right to keep and bear arms is being discussed on an abortion thread proves just how much I put you on your head, and did so by merely changing your idiotic post.

Now stay in your cesspool of a country and we'll handle things from here.


Most politicians or vocal advocates of political ideologies are hypocrites.
They say one thing and secretly do the opposite.
A lot of republican woman have secretly had abortions, or use condoms or IUDs during sex or use birth control pills.
The only reasons they pretend to believe in anti-abortion is because their party does so they regurgitate it like parrots.
And the only reason politicians spout this BS is to get more votes.

It's not liberal vs conservative that divides us, it's a well crafted and well hidden class war.
It's the assholes who control most of the money and power, using politics and the economy to split us so they can control us...divide and conquer.
Most politicians don't give a rats ass about abortion, religion, guns, healthcare, etc.......
These issues are just a means to get elected, which gives them the power and money to do whatever they want for themselves and their corrupt friends.

There can only be true democracy when there are no more governments and everyone has the right and obligation to vote on every important issue.
2. The left, from the president on down are on record politicizing and calling for even more restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights. The fact that the right to keep and bear arms is being discussed on an abortion thread proves just how much I put you on your head, and did so by merely changing your idiotic post.

Only radical right-wingers would think that the 2nd Amendment alone justfies to reject any bill that would prevent people on the terrorist watch list or people with diagnosed mental health issues from buying guns.

Only radical right-wingers would argue that the founding fathers wanted every villages' idiots to have the right to bear arms.
Only radical right-wingers would think that the 2nd Amendment alone justfies to reject any bill that would prevent people on the terrorist watch list or people with diagnosed mental health issues from buying guns.

Only radical right-wingers would argue that the founding fathers wanted every villages' idiots to have the right to bear arms.

More than15 states already have laws on the books mandating a mental health background check. Only left-wing socialist kooks like you wouldn't be aware of them. Which includes Colorado. That worked out nicely.
3 references from articles and one is Mother Jones?

Look you Aussie hillbilly, states have regulations regarding just about everything. Abortion procedures vary greatly from state to state. Which isnt exactly outlawing the procedure. As for citing what you requested:

1. You are still butthurt because your initial post was so easily dismantled by changing 3 or 4 words to demonstrate the inconsistancy of the liberal mindset that it probably left you sucking your thumb in a corner.

2. The left, from the president on down are on record politicizing and calling for even more restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights. The fact that the right to keep and bear arms is being discussed on an abortion thread proves just how much I put you on your head, and did so by merely changing your idiotic post.

Now stay in your cesspool of a country and we'll handle things from here.

It was 4 links, but I knew it would be way beyond your abilities to look at any of them or craft any kind of reasonable response. The only reason we're discussing guns is because you brought it up, idiot. You really do suck at this. You didn't dismantle anything, no matter how many times you claim the opposite.

Don't worry, I won't be coming back to your third world country, ever. I'm happy in my cesspool where we have freedom and representative government and a wealthy middle class and kids don't get shot.
It was 4 links, but I knew it would be way beyond your abilities to look at any of them or craft any kind of reasonable response. The only reason we're discussing guns is because you brought it up, idiot. You really do suck at this. You didn't dismantle anything, no matter how many times you claim the opposite.

Don't worry, I won't be coming back to your third world country, ever. I'm happy in my cesspool where we have freedom and representative government and a wealthy middle class and kids don't get shot.

So you can't produce actual proof of Republicans denying abortion rights just links to liberal websites.

I at least can cite policy by this administration that the whole world is aware of and we are constantly subjected to through impromptu pressers and speeches full of platitudes. You have nothing but articles from hack sites.
You really are dumber than dirt and epitomize everything that is detestable about those with a particular liberal odor.

You got out just in time. We are getting to make some changes around here. Please don't come back. Mind your own fucked up country.
Australia: What a kahntree!

CRIME: Although U.S citizens are not specifically targeted for crime, you should be aware that robberies, burglaries, assault, and auto theft are common in Australia’s larger cities. Weapons are increasingly used in such crimes, which also may be associated with drug trafficking, gang activities, and drug or alcohol usage. Foreign visitors in popular tourist areas are targets for pickpockets, purse-snatchers, and petty thieves. Be careful when consuming alcohol with unfamiliar people, as drink spiking can occur; take appropriate security precautions, especially at night, to avoid becoming a target of opportunity. Also, be careful when visiting bars or clubs in the entertainment areas of major cities, as “bar brawls” and other assaults sometimes occur in the late hours of the night or early morning when patrons are intoxicated.
