Abortion opinions

I could go on, but i'll just make a few quick points.

the whole "facing the consequences of your actions" arguement is retarded. If someone wasn't even able to excersize enough responsibilty to not get pregnant, what makes you think they will have enough to raise a kid? punishing people by making them become parents is the worst fucking idea i've ever heard, and it's just going to make screwed up kids that.. guess what... are probably going to make the same stupid mistakes that there parents did and get pregnant when they can't handle it too.

secondly... abortion is murder. yeah and so is MURDER. but we don't seem to have a problem with the everday kind that doesn't allow us to shove our morals down everyone's throat. denying food to starving people is murder, refusing to give medicine to poor people is murder, invading a country and dropping bombs on a city is murder. if you want to stop murder, why don't you stop the forms of it that are by far far more lethal than abortion?
calpoon said:
I could go on, but i'll just make a few quick points.

the whole "facing the consequences of your actions" arguement is retarded. If someone wasn't even able to excersize enough responsibilty to not get pregnant, what makes you think they will have enough to raise a kid? punishing people by making them become parents is the worst fucking idea i've ever heard, and it's just going to make screwed up kids that.. guess what... are probably going to make the same stupid mistakes that there parents did and get pregnant when they can't handle it too.

secondly... abortion is murder. yeah and so is MURDER. but we don't seem to have a problem with the everday kind that doesn't allow us to shove our morals down everyone's throat. denying food to starving people is murder, refusing to give medicine to poor people is murder, invading a country and dropping bombs on a city is murder. if you want to stop murder, why don't you stop the forms of it that are by far far more lethal than abortion?


(Underline mine)
Abortion should definately be Legal.No question about that in my mind.For at least a hundred reasons.
Nontheless,what we need is EDUCATION.Teach people how to be responsible,teach them sexual education in school,teach them safe sex,teach them how not to get pregnant when they don't want to.The only way to minimize abortions is to make people understand that it's not a game.
No religion should tell people what they should or should not do with their bodies.We've had enough of that crap so far,we don't need any more.
i think that the abort should be legal only in cases of raped women, only that,if not there will be an abuse of this "right", isnt about religion or god or whaterver, is just that we, the human beings, arent so "humans" if we dont have some limits
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Retired Moderator
I agree with the Catholic doctrine on abortion, but what I cannot stand is the hysteria on both sides: either of them who refuse it (mostly Christians) or of them who defend it (mostly atheists). I don't condemn women who have had an abortion, but I don't approve it.


I agree with the Catholic doctrine on abortion, but what I cannot stand is the hysteria on both sides: either of them who refuse it (mostly Christians) or of them who defend it (mostly atheists). I don't condemn women who have had an abortion, but I don't approve it.

I'm pro-choice and that does not mean that I am pro-abortion as opponents like to paint it.

Re:Catholicism: The Church has for many years now conveniently avoided making addional comments about abortion. It recgonizes that it is perhaps the one devisive issue and therefore won't stir the pot any further.

(Italy is 98% Catholic and abortion has been legal here since c1978) I think it should be noted that the violence and agression seen in the US is mostly non-existent in Europe. The violence that I have read about has been performed by US Fundamentalist Christian groups.

BBC article with map of European countries and where women are free to decide for themselves or not
BNF said:
I'm pro-choice and that does not mean that I am pro-abortion as opponents like to paint it.

Re:Catholicism: The Church has for many years now conveniently avoided making addional comments about abortion. It recgonizes that it is perhaps the one devisive issue and therefore won't stir the pot any further.

(Italy is 98% Catholic and abortion has been legal here since c1978) I think it should be noted that the violence and agression seen in the US is mostly non-existent in Europe. The violence that I have read about has been performed by US Fundamentalist Christian groups.

BBC article with map of European countries and where women are free to decide for themselves or not

"The violence that I have read about has been performed by US Fundamentalist Christian groups."

I know its off-topic. But the words are so true that it requires further emphasis. I hope you won't mind BNF.

If you go through the posts (on other threads) you may get the impression that fundamentalism is there only within Mohamedan religion. But the truth is otherwise. Each country, each religion has its own kind of fundamentalism.

Sorry for going off-topic.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
This is a debate for which there is no happy answer. I deplore women who use abortion as a form of birth control (I say more than one abortion and you need to get your tubes tied). Likewise, until the anti-abortionists start showing the same dedication and concern about the baby's life after it has been born, they should shut the fuck up.
I am both pro-life and pro-choice. My views are based on based on a simple fact, "freedom."

I choose not to terminate a life. But if someone else does, it's not going to cause the same chaos that murder does. You are not only taking an unborn life that you have created, but its entire existence depends on the mother! It's very unlikely that any legal decision will decide to go against that. Furthermore, for us men -- until we are a woman, we'll will never understand what "pro-choice" actually is!

It's about control of your body -- especially when it comes to many situations where your life is very much threatened or when you didn't have a choice in the conception! All men should not only read about the horror stories with various laws limiting abortions, but what happens when abortion is outlawed. Probably the worst I've seen is the "parental consent" -- where parents decide the burden of their daughter for the next 18 years of her life, but they only have to deal with it a few more years.

Women will still choose to have abortions, legal or not. And it then becomes a health issue. That has been the overriding reason for the continued "freedom" in choice. And I refuse to see such women be butchered because of the ignorance of voters -- especially my fellow men.

Now as far as the extreme minority or radical Christians, they are just that, an extreme minority. Many practicing Christians, especially women, are pro-life and still pro-choice in their vote. Because many respect that it is a choice to abort, because the womb does rely on the mother -- it's her life too!
i enjoy killing animals thats a great past time for me! i am so suprised at how many people would be okay with see a fucking baby die but kringe at the thought of a poor helpless animal being harmed fuck all this bullshit I kill and I will always kill animals! but no way in hell will I ever be ok with killing an unborn living baby i dont care if its 1 day or 9 months old never. most of you that are okay with abortion are the ones that give me so much shit over hunting well now you all can shut up about that, you have no more room to talk. thats all im saying here. the end.
'Pro-Choice' is the greatest slogan ever invented. Think about it. The pro-abortion people really had their thinking caps on when they came up with it. "No we aren't pro-murder - We're pro-CHOICE."

Now, all these fence sitters out there don't have to choose a side and they can just say, "Oh, I'm pro-choice." But you're really one or the other deep down (life or death). They managed to lure all these people who are actually against murdering an unborn child by putting this little freedom tag on it. Its not pro-abortion vs pro-life, its pro-FREEDOM vs pro-life. "Ohhh, well since you put it that way. Hey, I'm all for freedom!!! :thumbsup: Me personally, I'm against murder, but hey, its not my body. Just kill the little fetus if you want."
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now days...all the things can be abort..even 1 sec you release the nuclear missile...but abortion is about killing an innocent life that created by god.
It is all about un-proper sex, or not yet ready to get on it,to take the responsibility....

who should be blame? it is not an issue...ask yourself. for the one who not involved in this maybe can put a smile...but, for the one who had suffer from this matter...doctor, asst. doc or the mom itself....

it is good to discuss about this matter since we have right to talk freely..but abortion is illegal to make..not to talk...so, be open :)


kungfudude said:
'Pro-Choice' is the greatest slogan ever invented. Think about it. The pro-abortion people really had their thinking caps on when they came up with it. "No we aren't pro-murder - We're pro-CHOICE."

Now, all these fence sitters out there don't have to choose a side and they can just say, "Oh, I'm pro-choice." But you're really one or the other deep down (life or death). They managed to lure all these people who are actually against murdering an unborn child by putting this little freedom tag on it. Its not pro-abortion vs pro-life, its pro-FREEDOM vs pro-life. "Ohhh, well since you put it that way. Hey, I'm all for freedom!!! :thumbsup: Me personally, I'm against murder, but hey, its not my body. Just kill the little fetus if you want."

A semantic arguement doesn't work to describe the sides.

Isn't one side saying a woman can choose what she can do with her body and the other side saying that a woman cannot choose what to do? That is about the simplest breakdown I can see, eliminating as much science and religion as I can.


I think it's a stretch by saying that women use abortions as a means of birth control. Apparently, an abortion costs at least USD$300-400. There are few people out there that would rely on such an expensive form of BC when condoms and other forms of BC are available for pennies a day. (And are non-invasive and do not require, in almost all cases, a doctors or guardians attendance and notification).
As much as I enjoy gratuitous violence on TV and in movies, I still feel that ALL life is a spark of divinity, be it an unborn child or a mere animal, and as such should be treated with respect it deserves. I am generally against abortions or hunting, however every rule has its exceptions. As far as abortions go I strongly believe they should be allowed in one case ONLY: when there is a serious concern that the child will be born with major physical or mental defects. It just seems much more appropriate to spare someone the misery by not being a total "humanitarian" pussy.

Then again, I think it was Beethoven who was born to a single mother suffering from syphilis and has lost his hearing, right? Makes you think about the quality of their lives again.
I don't think anyone disagrees that an unborn child is life. In fact, that's the main reason why Anti-Choice/Pro-Life advocates don't understand Pro-Choice advocates -- especially those who are both Pro-Choice and Pro-Life.

Most people I know who are Pro-Choice would never have an abortion. But they believe it is a right, for the various reasons I (among others) have stated.
********** said:

The animal isn't growing inside your body. The animal has already been born. I believe you have zero right to kill an animal: any animal: unless your life is in danger, or you need to eat it. I also believe you have every right to kill an unborn fetus in your body if, for whatever reason, you decide not to give birth. You don't have to shut up about your opinion, neither does anyone else. We're all free to believe whatever we believe, and to debate it as we want. We all have room to talk.

I'd also like to point out that no woman - I daresay no woman in history, perhaps - has ever enjoyed killing her unborn child. You enjoy killing animals? You like to kill? I say that you have a big problem, and I look forward to the day when the law prevents you and anyone with a similar bloodthirst from legally exercising the right to take the lives of others: animal or human. That's all I'm saying.

so I would be able to knock out an animal and cut it open or shove somthing up it vagina and kill it unborn baby because it is not out in the air and therefor it is not alive. but i cant kill an animal after its been born. huh. all im saying is all the people that say its wrong for me to hunt how can you say its alright to kill a living human baby aparently you dont have any children. and the whole thing about what i said with the animal thing i was trying to get a point across add effect You Might think that i have a big problem but thats not even gonna enter my head next time i kill anything. infact i shot a 3 1/2 foot longnose gar and a big carp today bowfishing while my wife and i went for a short float, she got super excited and so was I. the great country that i live in will never ever outlaw anything that has to do with hunting or fishing. so i never have to worry about that. I am done with this thread because im afraid that i feel to strongly about the subject. have fun with it.
glk35 said:
so I would be able to knock out an animal and cut it open or shove somthing up it vagina and kill it unborn baby because it is not out in the air and therefor it is not alive.
That's not "Pro-Choice." Did the female animal choose? No.
glk35 said:
all im saying is all the people that say its wrong for me to hunt how can you say its alright to kill a living human baby
Hey, I've defended you in the hunting thread. But this probably isn't an avenue to take.
glk35 said:
aparently you dont have any children.
Most parents are Pro-Life -- but a majority of mothers are still Pro-Choice (whereas fathers are overwhelmingly Anti-Choice).