Selig should definitely face him at the hearings but I have very little sympathy for a thief, liar and cheater like A-Roid. You fuck people and then have the balls to show outrage when you get fucked in return? Laughable. And pathetic. What a circus.
Well the independent arbitrator Frederic Horowitz has ruled...
* 162 games * for Alex Rodriguez. Good. He and his lawyers will bring the lawsuit and the his big challenge as well as his case will be dismissed. The Supreme Court has ruled in precedents that federal judges shouldn't involve themselves in independent arbitrator rulings.
The only positive thing... More money in legal fees for his attorney Joseph Tacopina and his expert legal team.... Alex Rodriguez should pay out millions of dollars. :rofl2:
Instead of banning him for life, let's just force him into retirement.
Considering Jeter's retirement, Alex may very well be back in pinstripes next year. They own him for another 3 years for 61 mil. May as well play him since no one else will take him for that price.
Oh, my God! A-Rod had hid the truth? Say it isn't so.