you can expand the way people thought about nudity to the ancient world in general in fact. The ancient Greek considered the body as equally important as the mind, and therefore everyone should not only put effort in progress of the mind, but effort in progress of the body as well. We all know these images of Greek athletes competing in the Olympics naked. Lesser known is that students were mostly naked too during their education. Even in daily life it was common practice to be nude. Clothes were made in a way that it could be taken of rapidly so that when someone felt their clothes where in the way for what they were doing, they just put if of. This could be for working in the field, dancing, or as already mentioned sports. Women to. It was considered normal and no men was looking full of lust to the women.
Same for ancient Egypt. Some pharao's and their staff at the palace were known to be naked or scarcely clothed. The cult of the sun (=Aton) was something that made nudity something that was the equivalent of which was given by nature, and therefore beauty. And even away from the European lands (but I know less of the ancient history of those parts) in ancient Asia holy man were naked. In ancient Japan public bathing houses were open to both sexes, and so on.
It's amazing to see how a world where nudity was common has come into the present world where nudity is frowned upon.