A Presidential candidate from last year, was NOT born in the USA!

To think, one of those "Birther" fools is Alan Keyes who actually sought to hold political office at one time.
Ann Coulter was on c-span tonight at some young conservatives thing.Was really hard to watch btw but you gotta keep up with what the enemy is up to don't ya lol.

But something she said caught my ear especially.She said the Birthers are wrong and are a bunch of cranks.Now we all know how much loathing she has for dems and Obama in particular since he is President you know she would be all over it if she had anything she could hang her hat on to claim it.She doesn't and the claim of course is ridiculous.

Here she is saying they are cranks which I guess she has been saying for a while now.


How much of a looney toon do you have to be if Ann Coulter thinks your a crank?
Totally off the frickin' chart!

But dammit, I wanted "Crazy Annie" Coulter to be one of them! What about Michelle Malkin? I know she's still a keeper of the faith, isn't she?


I was shocked and disappointed to see Malkin on "This Week" last Sunday. It bothered me that ABC was legitimizing this mental midget by allowing that hack on a serious show.

The quintessential moment was when that fool tried to make the case that extending UI benefits makes people disinterested in pursuing employment.

The panel looked at her as if to say, "Are you fucking serious you child?" But true to form this infant combatively tried to hold fast to her conviction when someone finally shined the sunlight of reality on that nonsense by making the point that if Starbucks advertises 10 jobs, 1000 show up to apply for them.

Finally, she shut her pie hole....I suppose it was worth it just to see her embarrass herself like that...but still ABC don't legitimize imbeciles.