A moral dilemma

So, my ex- girlfriend and I have a very casual sex relationship. She will call about once a week and we will get it on. Which works alright for me. I would like more sex, but I think I have an idea on how to increase that frequency. She is going away for a few days and asked me to check in on her cat, and I have been scheming to take that opportunity to disable her vibrator. I am pretty sure I could do it in such a manner that it still works, but just very poorly.

My dilemma is this: Does that make me evil? How bad is that? Just kind of bad, or really sneaky and malicious?
If you've got an opinion, I'd like to hear it.



Closed Account
better idea - why don`t you go to one of those places where you can get a vibrator modelled on your own penis? That way, when she`s away she can pleaasure herself with a model of you, which hopefully will remind her how much she enjoys having your member inside her, so when she comes back (no pun intended!) she`l be all the more gagging for you and you can fuck the living daylights out of her.
You're a stalker, aren't you?
So, my ex- girlfriend and I have a very casual sex relationship. She will call about once a week and we will get it on. Which works alright for me. I would like more sex, but I think I have an idea on how to increase that frequency. She is going away for a few days and asked me to check in on her cat, and I have been scheming to take that opportunity to disable her vibrator. I am pretty sure I could do it in such a manner that it still works, but just very poorly.

My dilemma is this: Does that make me evil? How bad is that? Just kind of bad, or really sneaky and malicious?
If you've got an opinion, I'd like to hear it.


the Shame Of It All....but if it helps get you more ass...go for it....LOL
Here's a better plan...buy about 10 vibrators that all look like her current one...BUT...each of them should be smaller than hers, and each of the ones you buy should be the smaller than the next. Every 4-6 weeks, replace them with the next smaller one. After about a year, she'll have a really small vibrator but she'll never know because it was done gradually. By that time, she'll be so hard up for YOUR huge cock that she'll be panting after you and dying for you to fuck her like a barbarian!



Wow, the vile misogyny put forth by the OP and responders in this thread is disgusting. The OP has a real hatred for women. How fucking hard is it to simply ask this chick if you could have sex a little more often?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Yeah, you could just ask her for more sex. That seems a little easier than trying to disable her vibrator.

Or, you could always just kidnap her...
OK you have a casual sexual relationship with your ex, do you still have feelings for your ex?? I mean whos to say that she is fucking a bunch of other guys and just calls you once a week because you are her 'Thursday night'??

If you still wanna have sex go out and have sex with other women!

That is of course you still have a thing for your ex and you can't bring yourself to fuck other women!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I would kidnap the vibrator and send an Al Quedaeque video of it being held captive to her. That's what Charlie Kelly would do.
When she gets back tell her you formed a real bond with her cat and that you'd like to come around 3 times a week to spend more time with him/her, sex could follow. Also tamper with her vibrator.
Stop fucking your ex and get a proper girlfriend.

She can always buy a new vibrator - If your only once a week, you cant be that good.
Rub a habanero on the vibrator and put it back in the drawer without saying anything. I guarantee she'll stop using it.