a message from me to all my friends

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hi the rising

why because apart from the net i had to help my parents to restore the appartment. in case if you were ignoring it, i am looking for a job and i had interviews that explains why i wouldn't be as much as present as before even on *********. about postings pics of women cummed on, forget it, it violates the new rules.And my last word i must find a thread that interests me and in which i feel involved.

hope that you understand my decision the rising


Quitter!!, that is by far the most ridiculous reason to ever leave a board, if thats the case georges than good riddance, as if posting over 2400 posts in less than 3 months isn't enough board whoring, much less the same damn pics over and over again. Sorry dawg, but you get no sympathy points from me, so see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

LMAO! thats sum funny shit! and funnily enough i agree!
ok if some of you don't understand what i said so here is my answer

i said that i stay and that i will continue to stay and post on freeones


who actually cares if anyone leaves. Im not directing this at anyone in particular but if someone leaves so what?! Its no big deal. Everyone is replaceable!
this is a quote from you thfc mad you will surely recognize it

"It takes a while to get used to Georges. I have just come over from the freeones board after hearing about this site, and georges was also there. Once you have got used to him you will find him highly amuzing. He was very popular at freeones"

replaceable very difficultly lol

only messing with you thfcmad


georges ;)


Holy shit, optimusmike actually agreed with something i said, and even found it funny.

I know some of my posts come off as very brutal and somewhat blunt, but if you know me on this board, I have no problem at all with georges. Many people on here attacked me for making about about me both leaving and returning, so which why I felt what georges posted was pointless, I know now he is staying, but if he had left anyway, he should not have felt the need to explain himself with some sob story. Anyway, thats all I have to say about that.

BTW the part about his 2400 posts was suppossed to be a joke.
I need a closing signature also since madman has one, so i am gonna try this one: Fuck Fear Drink Beer!! (yes I know thats a slogan on a Stone Cold T-shirt)
Thank god georges is leaving, take scorpions ass with you.

Cant someone ban him for simply being scum? Wait before anyone gets upset I have more than enough evidence of this.

Scum as in, a person who cares for nothing and noone, as "cool" as it may seem to his 12 year old ass, he is really just the most unproductive type of human, someone who cant even show compassion for another human, no let a career or job he has. So he is just basically a pathetic waste of skin- but thats my 2 cents.

This isnt me dissing him for no reason, this is me telling the truth.


-¢¾- said:
Thank god georges is leaving, take scorpions ass with you.

Cant someone ban him for simply being scum? Wait before anyone gets upset I have more than enough evidence of this.

Scum as in, a person who cares for nothing and noone, as "cool" as it may seem to his 12 year old ass, he is really just the most unproductive type of human, someone who cant even show compassion for another human, no let a career or job he has. So he is just basically a pathetic waste of skin- but thats my 2 cents.

This isnt me dissing him for no reason, this is me telling the truth.

You completely contradicted your entire post, by doing the exact same thing you accuse me off asshole.

Look motherfucker you don't know shit about me, I don't really give a flying fuck what you or anyone thinks of me, but to say I have no compassion, and judge me like that is just lame and pointless. For the record though you are correct about me not caring for no one or nothing outside my own family. As if there is anything worth caring for nowadays anyway, holy shit you are trying to be "cool" by insulting me on a fucking porn site, damn that might just make me wanna get up and leave. Please gimme me a break, grow the fuck up, along with the rest of you assholes who bitch and moan all the time.


Calm down there a lady present .now c-34 by the way is the 3/4 for the size of your dick or something anyway Scorpion is not a waste of skin as u say the only waster on here is you. I know the figure freedoom of speach but there,s truth and there Bullsh*t and 3/4 u are full of the latter . It be people like u who end up Closing freeones 4 good .

So on closing stop being a jerk and grow up if u cant then ( cant belive im saying this being a woman and all but what the hell )

Just F*ck of u Jerk

Soon be Xmas only 32 days to go
Fuck Fear, Drink Beer; that's a good one, although if you notice on Austin's shirt of the same slogan, it looks like "Fock" Fear, cuz of the skull. I don't know, just something i found humorous. Out of all the cool sigs here on freeones, Scorp decides to have one because of mine. And mine is actually quite lame in comparison. O well, what can i say but, rock on! Have a beer on me Scorp, and Keep on rockin and rollin!!:glugglug: :beer: :party: :coolman:
-¢¾- said:
Thank god georges is leaving, take scorpions ass with you.

Cant someone ban him for simply being scum? Wait before anyone gets upset I have more than enough evidence of this.

Scum as in, a person who cares for nothing and noone, as "cool" as it may seem to his 12 year old ass, he is really just the most unproductive type of human, someone who cant even show compassion for another human, no let a career or job he has. So he is just basically a pathetic waste of skin- but thats my 2 cents.

This isnt me dissing him for no reason, this is me telling the truth.

You are one of the biggest little sm@rt @ss fucks and one of the biggest nobrainers and bullshitters i have ever seen. You act like a 12 years old by throwing your word like shit and you never turn your tongue 7 times in your mouth before speaking.You only insult people that is only what you can do and that is only what weak can people like you can do.About compassion, you don't know me @ all but when a person like you speaks about me, scorp or of another member the way you did and do you only provocate hate and anger and absolutely no compassion only the will to smash you down. Grow up kid and don't be sorry so narrow minded.

if u are not pleased here so move immediately.

i am going to stay here and forever and next time you insult me or another member you will have to pay the consequences i am not jokin with you. you have post enough sh*t now think twice.


to -¢¾-
i agree not with Freeones Rules, but i think you must learning the handling with other User , Member or Moderator in this Board.
The second Rules for all Boards : do not post negative Comments and exept the opnium from other Poeple.

Freeones you can banned the ISP from -¢¾- ? he has broken a Rules in this Board
Holy shit, optimusmike actually agreed with something i said, and even found it funny.

Yeah odd i know! but you did make a valid point and it was funny to boot!

i am going to stay here and forever and next time you insult me or another member you will have to pay the consequences i am not jokin with you. you have post enough sh*t now think twice.

Jesus Georges you crack me up! i mean what are you gonna do?..........Spam him to death!?
hi optimus mike

no i will report to freeones all the threads where he insulted me and other people and i will ask freeones to ban him.
this is the best way to punish this kind of person.




Lisa said:
Calm down there a lady present .now c-34 by the way is the 3/4 for the size of your dick or something anyway Scorpion is not a waste of skin as u say the only waster on here is you. I know the figure freedoom of speach but there,s truth and there Bullsh*t and 3/4 u are full of the latter . It be people like u who end up Closing freeones 4 good .

So on closing stop being a jerk and grow up if u cant then ( cant belive im saying this being a woman and all but what the hell )

Just F*ck of u Jerk

Soon be Xmas only 32 days to go

HA HA, you totally got OWNED by the most popular girl on this board, is 3/4 for the size of your dick, LMAO priceless!! Dude you wouldn't last 1 day on the metal boards.

Thanks for the support Lisa, love ya lots babe!!


Felthat said:
Yo Scorpion, what are the metal boards?

A message board where the subject is about all types of rock music. Those punks are younger, so I have an easier time fucking with their heads. This 3/4 fucker would get teared to shreds though, some of those guys are brutal, and tough to get their respect.

just to say that i am on watch forums on muscle cars forums. There were some guys like this c3/4 nobrainers i have made them banned because of their arrogant and insulting behavior. I am also a moderator in two yahoo groups. For me the respect of the point of view or opinion as well as tolerance are more than important they are at the basis of people everyday's life and relationships.


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