A dream within a dream

I just had this dream where some friends and I were sitting around and one of them jokes about me being at a party with beautiful women. I don't remember the context but that's not important now.

So in the dream, I go to sleep later on and start dreaming I'm at a party full of beautiful women I'm guessing were penthouse pets since this is me dreaming. Then I remembered that movie Inception and the danger I could be in so I backed the hell out of that second dream while staying in the first dream until I woke up for real.

Has this ever happened to anyone and if so, did you come out of it?
I have not seen two dreams at the same time.

But you are and I quess that you have a vivid imagination. :dunno:



Member, you member...
I had a dream that I was asleep and dreaming - I had to wake up twice.
Yeah in the OP I was lucid for the second or deeper dream but not for the original one. I realized I was dreaming but not that I was already in a dream.

Actually I was lucid for just the second dream until I had that Inception moment then I was lucid for both dreams. Oh forget it, just watch the movie.
Now that you mention, I think this has happened many years ago.

The one which upset me most was when I woke up just as I was about to pull down Kylie Minogue's panties