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How about a day without the French?
How about a day without the French?
What about a day without America ? We already had centuries without you guys and the World wasn't more fucked up than it's been since 1775How about a day without the French?
What about a day without America ? We already had centuries without you guys and the World wasn't more fucked up than it's been since 1775
Actually, 1776 wouldn't have happened without the help of France.
They need to face it and accept it ----------- Your candidate LOST! Was beat like a drum fair and square!
Move On. You'll have another chance in 8 years.
It wasn't charity, it was mutual interest. But without that, you guys would still be loyal subject of Her Majesty.Their efforts have always been appreciated and we have shown our gratitude many times.
But their support of the newly formed United States was motivated by a rivalry with the British and disputed lands.
It wasn't just charity.
Do you realy thinked the US came to free Europe for Charity ? Part of the reason why they did it was that otherwise, Russia would have done it. It would have been much longer but in the end, Stalin would have beaten Hitler. And all Europe, not only Eastern Europe would have been communist. The US wanted to avoid that all all cost.We should have observed it on June 6th 1944.
It wasn't charity, it was mutual interest. But without that, you guys would still be loyal subject of Her Majesty.
Without the American Revolution, the French Revolution would have been delayed, Napoleon wouldn't have happened and withyout Napoleon, the whole story of Europe would be totally changed
Do you realy thinked the US came to free Europe for Charity ? Part of the reason why they did it was that otherwise, Russia would have done it. It would have been much longer but in the end, Stalin would have beaten Hitler. And all Europe, not only Eastern Europe would have been communist. The US wanted to avoid that all all cost.
I'd much rather like to see a day without a Trump Tweet and:
A weekend of Trump in the White House.
It's only been three days, but how about a day without this thread?
You are welcome not to view it or post on it, asshat.