9-year-old Girl Carrying Twins Has Abortion - Catholic Church Objects


what the fuck you lookin at?
^ I love starting shit! Hell I'd even jump in but its just as entertaining to watch!


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'm just waiting for one of them to break out with "You're mama!" and then the ever so brilliant comeback..."No....you're mama!" and so on!:D

sit watch and enjoy. That will not happen here, trust me!
I believe the catholic church is full of shit, which is why I'm no longer catholic.

They believe abortion is wrong and it's fine to preach that to your congregation or community. They are never going to say, well it's OK sometimes, even in situations like the 9-year-old where having the abortion is justified.

I'm sure there are priest that believe the 9-year-old should have had the abortion. Most of them would never say it publicly.

I think this is like when a lawyer argues a case, even when they are wrong, they will come up with any claims they can to support their own argument, never changing their position.

It will take an open minded, younger pope to make the changes to bring the catholic church into the 21st century.
^ I love starting shit! Hell I'd even jump in but its just as entertaining to watch!

I'm afraid you're going to have to wait for a looong (3 o's should be enough) time for round 2. :tongue: ;)
Re: 9-year-old Girl Carrying Twins Has Abortion - Catholic Church Objects

No word on how you local imam would handle the exact set of circumstances, you Christian hater, dicks (?)!!!!


He'd, (Moooo-hamad, that is) would probably force the 9 y/o to near term, then, using his ceremonial / honorary, purposefully dull "head lopping knife", would begin to "C section" the poor girl, but not before chanting that "god is great", or "ala arkansas candybar" or whatever, in the hopes that both offspring are both male in sex for the express purpose of grabbing both slimey newborn tots and camel backin' 'em to the nearest "Refugee Jihad Training Camp'' so that, from hour one of their arrival, swarthy headcovered, ummm, "gentlemen" can begin to impression said tots with eight hour repetition recordings that say "I .h _ t _ Joos " . . I . _ a _ e Christians . . I . hate Infidels, over and over for eight solid hours a day.

Oh, and they might have just stoned the bleeding to death 9 y/o girl to top it off !

Happy Now ?

Oh shit ! New u.n. mandate says that I can't critisize, belittle or otherwise the religion of "PIECE" !! Damn !!!

Those mutha fukn Chri . . ans ! :crash:

:D :laugh:

I dont see why you posted this, why would you want to deflect some of the focus onto Islam when Islam is not mentioned once throughout the entire story.

Of course a simlar situation in a Islamic country would probably produce a similar reaction, probably one even more radical than the actions of the Catholic Church, but why do you feel the need to deflect this away from the Catholic Church? Anyone with conscious thorught can see that their line in this case is wrong and in trying to deflect away from that seems to me to be some sort of protection mechanism you have. You may be a christian and you may feel the need to protect your faith but why do it in this way. Why try to shift the focus onto muslims?

What the church has done by publicizing this little girls rape and abortion for their own gain is abhorent and should be condemned for what it is. Not deflected onto another faith through speculation of what they might have done if she was in their hands, that is wrong and you know it is. Surly you feel something about this story other than to make jokes about what might happen on the other side of the globe.

Of course there are many things wrong with Islam, but there are many things wrong with all faiths as this case shows (In my humble opinion the problem is that they are still around, but thats another thread).
Medical-wise that should be aborted else the girl dies and so will the babies.

For the church, it is better to pray for the girl.
This is what I don't understand from people that are pro-life

Those so called pro-lifers are a bunch of hypocrits. The always yell pro-life but have no problem eating meat or wearing leather. In todays society animals are nothing more than industrial products and they are killed every day by the millions just so we can live comfortably yet you don't hear them talking about that.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Pro Lifers. Oftentimes taking the hardline stance that there is no ACCEPTABLE version of abortion. Ignore the grey area, you deserve a kick to your brown area. Pink, too.

Something I get a kick out of..

"Conservatives believe life is precious.. sacred.. UNTIL it's born, then fuck it. Dont put the mongrel on welfare, dont help the mom, what are ya a socialist commie?! Cant even take care of the kid we goaded you into having. Ugh you disgust us!"
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Hey, the Catholic Church has as much right to an opinion as any other group of yahoos in the world.

I disagree. A group of yahoos, if nobody listens to them, can have whatever opinion they want. A group of yahoos that is regarded as an absolute spiritual authority by millions of people has a responsibility to subject their moral judgments to the tests of reason and compassion.
9 YEAR OLDS can get pregnant?!?!?!?!

heres a place to start. Why the fuck was a 9 y/o pregnant in the first place?
Your medical answer from university of Michigan

Nine years old is extremely close to the absolute earliest (8 years 9 months date of birth would be defined as 'absolute earliest'), using a normal model of "typical" puberty. Using a bell curve you are talking about the > 2.5% category on the the curve. Statistically is possible, but the case for precocious puberty would be a more logical answer.

Reasons behind precocious puberty....
Millions still not a rock solid research field... main things, Hormones/Hormone Abnormalities, Contaminates, and possibly Social Factors (highly doubt, but hell who really knows).

When I read that only one thing came to mind - Hormones (well 2 things, thank you Barry bonds for #2)
1) Excess estrogen/progesterone (from food, bad endocrine system)
2) Human Growth Hormone (SDI labs, Barry Bonds.... thank you for that bud :thumbsup:)
So they're fine with knowing that the girl faced certain death if she carried the babies to term.....<snip>...but they're not ok with her choosing to have an abortion to save her own life.

My grandmother, after giving birth to seven children (not to mention at least one miscarriage along the way), was told that if she got pregnant again, she'd have a high risk of dying.

She had a hell of a time getting the local church to let her get the hysterectomy she needed.

Yes they can. The record is an 8 year old girl that was raped and became pregnant a long time ago, something like 40+ years. Look it up, but it does happen. It's very sad to think about.

I was going to say something, but I got beat to it:


Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Catholic Religion = Fascist Devil! :yesyes::thefinger
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Catholic church has always been against abortions, so if they now would have wanted her to do abortion that would mean they don't believe in their own teachings.

So I'm not surprised at all for their reaction to this.

I wonder whether the 9 year old girl will grow up wondering what her twins would have been like?
Did you expect anything else from an institution that has enough money to feed the world a few times over and does nothing but lend to the spread of aids and the rape of little boys?

I am catholic. I dont condone the stance on the issue of abortion for rape victims. But how the hell do catholics give people aids? Please dont tell me by saying dont use condoms, because if people are catholic enough to not use condoms, they are catholic enough to wait till marriage.

Saying catholic idealogy spreads aids is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard. There would be far fewer cases of aids if everyone truely was a practicing catholic.
Your medical answer from university of Michigan

Nine years old is extremely close to the absolute earliest (8 years 9 months date of birth would be defined as 'absolute earliest'), using a normal model of "typical" puberty. Using a bell curve you are talking about the > 2.5% category on the the curve. Statistically is possible, but the case for precocious puberty would be a more logical answer.

Reasons behind precocious puberty....
Millions still not a rock solid research field... main things, Hormones/Hormone Abnormalities, Contaminates, and possibly Social Factors (highly doubt, but hell who really knows).

When I read that only one thing came to mind - Hormones (well 2 things, thank you Barry bonds for #2)
1) Excess estrogen/progesterone (from food, bad endocrine system)
2) Human Growth Hormone (SDI labs, Barry Bonds.... thank you for that bud :thumbsup:)


My neice started her period two weeks after her ninth birthday. Seriously shocked the hell out of everyone, and the poor girl was so scared because she hadn't even been educated in school yet on that stuff, because most girls don't get it until the end of elementary school. Scary knowing that she could have made me a great aunt before my 18th birthday :/