700,000 American jobs would be created if Trump ends DACA


See? What Chance does one such as I have when facing such a Master Debater as yourself?

You win Scott. No Liberals in the middle class. Got it.
See? What chance does one such as I have when facing such a Master Debater as yourself?

You win Scott. No Liberals in the middle class. Got it.

Liberals hate the middle-class. It's simple: you can't be fighting/arguing/pushing/advocating for the infiltration of tens of millions of (mostly) unskilled illegal immigrants into our labor force and at the same time argue and fight for the middle-class this same infiltration of millions directly effects negatively in wage earnings.

I live this life every day so I know it through experience.

You have no argument. There is no argument. There are only facts and reality and these are the facts and realities the middle-class (and lower-class, even more so) deal with every day in America.

If you can't understand that then: you are either incompetent, or 2) you are lying because you don't want the middle-class to become aware of your tactics.


I said you win Scott. Why are you continuing to argue an argument that the other side has conceded?

Especially since you should have quit while you were ahead.

Liberals hate the middle-class. It's simple: you can't be fighting/arguing/pushing/advocating for the infiltration of tens of millions of (mostly) unskilled illegal immigrants into our labor force and at the same time argue and fight for the middle-class this same infiltration of millions directly effects negatively in wage earnings.

Tens of MILLIONS? Why didn't you say so? Tens of millions. :facepalm: Wake the fuck up, will you please.
Before you shout any more flecks of spit at me, one of the biggest transgressors of hiring low wage, foreign labor is your own Dear Leader. How about going and shouting at him for a while.

I live this life every day so I know it through experience.
No you do not. Your ridiculous prior paragraph illustrates how you are nowhere near living this through experience.

You have no argument. There is no argument. There are only facts and reality and these are the facts and realities the middle-class (and lower-class, even more so) deal with every day in America.

You want experience? I live in an immigrant neighborhood, work in an immigrant-rich industry and I listen to 3-6 different languages in the hallways of my work every single day. What are you again? Some kind of hotel clerk from North Dakota or something? Yeah, you're really in the thick of it.

If you can't understand that then: you are either incompetent, or 2) you are lying because you don't want the middle-class to become aware of your tactics.
SSSHhhh. Not so loud. It's tough enough to carry out my nefarious schemes without you drawing attention to the FreeOnes Politics section. I mean jeez, everything was going so well until you saw through my diabolical plans. :suspicious: Must-Call-Soros-For-Instructions. :yoda:
You want experience? I live in an immigrant neighborhood, work in an immigrant-rich industry and I listen to 3-6 different languages in the hallways of my work every single day. What are you again? Some kind of hotel clerk from North Dakota or something? Yeah, you're really in the thick of it. :

I am, shit-for-brains. Every day.
Liberals hate the middle-class. It's simple: you can't be fighting/arguing/pushing/advocating for the infiltration of tens of millions of (mostly) unskilled illegal immigrants into our labor force and at the same time argue and fight for the middle-class this same infiltration of millions directly effects negatively in wage earnings.

I live this life every day so I know it through experience.

You have no argument. There is no argument. There are only facts and reality and these are the facts and realities the middle-class (and lower-class, even more so) deal with every day in America.

If you can't understand that then: you are either incompetent, or 2) you are lying because you don't want the middle-class to become aware of your tactics.

Don't come in here and try to out middle class everyone. Your story is no different than anyone else's. I wish I grew up middle class. Where I'm from we were considered working class. Big difference. I grew up on the south side of Chicago. In the hood. And I'm sure there are other members on here who have similar stories.
Don't come in here and try to out middle class everyone. Your story is no different than anyone else's. I wish I grew up middle class. Where I'm from we were considered working class. Big difference. I grew up on the south side of Chicago. In the hood. And I'm sure there are other members on here who have similar stories.

My family was working class. Two income household. That's middle-class to me. It's definitely not lower class. 55130 is the neighborhood I grew up in and still live in.
I wouldn't consider myself "lower-class", and I suppose "middle-class" is a fairly sizable socioeconomic window.


Well OK, time to share. I was raised upper middle class where the lawn is God, the X-mas lighting was a genuine rivalry and I walked around with a silver spoon up my ass. So I guess I'm qualified to speak about the middle class where some others are not. Jus' sayin'

And just to rub it in, I got 4 different epic bikes on X-mas morning. Top of the line. Along with all my other loot. Y'know, not just the bike and that's it. Lots of unwrapping before we're done. And big stockings. Huge, I tells ya. Lotsa shit in there too. Good times.

Will E Worm

Trump Wins Big on DACA, Scraps Program, Refers it to Legislature for a Permanent Fix



Nancy Pelosi says Trump said he'd sign the Dream Act if Congress were to pass it


President Trump has told congressional leaders that he would sign legislation that would provide a pathway to citizenship for people who came to the U.S. illegally as children, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said Thursday.

At her weekly press conference, Pelosi recounted the meeting she had with Mr. Trump, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, and the two GOP leaders in the Oval Office on Wednesday.

"We made it very clear in the course of the conversation that the priority was to pass the DREAM Act," Pelosi said. "Obviously, it has to be bipartisan."

"The president said he supports that, and he would sign it, but we have to get it passed and that's our high priority," she added.

On Wednesday, Schumer said that Democrats will try to attach the DREAM Act to must-pass legislation if GOP leaders don't bring the bill up for a vote by the end of September.

This comes after the Trump administration announced this week that it was ending the 2012 program created by Obama that has deferred deportations for more than 780,000 people who came to the U.S. illegally as children. The decision gives lawmakers until early March to come up with legislative fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Mr. Trump tried to reassure DACA beneficiaries Thursday that they won't be rounded up -- at Pelosi's urging.

For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about - No action!

Pelosi acknowledged at her press conference that she had asked the president to convey that message to "Dreamers" during a phone call with him Thursday morning.