528-Pound Woman Gives Birth to First Child

^ that sounds like a humane law to me :1orglaugh'


Official Checked Star Member
I didn't think of it that way but that does make sense when you think about it. :(

I was feeling sorry for the baby when it gets older and goes to grade school and has an reputation of being the child of a the infamous morbidly obese woman who gave birth when she was 528 lbs.

hate to say it, but I don't think that child is even going to HAVE her mother around by the time she's a teenager. Thats why so many countries will not allow obese couples to adopt their children- because they're a health risk, and have a low life expectancy.

Its my biggest pet peeve ever to see people pro-creating when they really have no right. You shouldn't have the right to bring more human beings into this world unless you are able to not only care for them in every way possible, but also have the ability to raise them to be contributing members of society. Something tells me this little girl is going to grow up to be obese too, and will spend her life in bed, rather than out in the workforce, or doing anything to make a difference. Pisses. Me. The. Fuck. Off. :mad:
hate to say it, but I don't think that child is even going to HAVE her mother around by the time she's a teenager. Thats why so many countries will not allow obese couples to adopt their children- because they're a health risk, and have a low life expectancy.

Its my biggest pet peeve ever to see people pro-creating when they really have no right. You shouldn't have the right to bring more human beings into this world unless you are able to not only care for them in every way possible, but also have the ability to raise them to be contributing members of society. Something tells me this little girl is going to grow up to be obese too, and will spend her life in bed, rather than out in the workforce, or doing anything to make a difference. Pisses. Me. The. Fuck. Off. :mad:

Agree 100%.

And one additional question: What man would want to fuck her??? That blows my mind into 1000000 pieces... :rolleyes:


Official Checked Star Member
Agree 100%.

And one additional question: What man would want to fuck her??? That blows my mind into 1000000 pieces... :rolleyes:

I'm not surprised someone wanted to fuck her...there's lots of guys who like the big ladies. I'm AM surprised though that someone wanted to fuck her bareback....I'm just imagining the kind of fungus that grows inside some of those...folds....

(and I'm not trying to be rude here, just when you're THAT big, it becomes difficult to properly bathe, thus resulting in bacteria and crap growing in places that just shouldn't exist. Ick)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Whoa, that is....ummmm.....now.....wait....you....see.....sorry I cannot finnish what I am writing thinking that someone out there actually concieved a child with someone morbidly obese, because my cock is screaming bloody murder just thinking about how the whole conception was probadly like a whale at sea world being brought back out to the wild


Closed Account
I'm sure there were about 9 months worth of questions the day after she announced her pregnancy.

... the fuck?
... are you kidding me?
... kinda dude would...?

... did this take place?
... are the authorities?
... did that guy find the strength to...?

... did you capture that guy?
... did he finally sober up?
... does the guy get out of the hospital?

... allowed this?
... helped that guy?
... is gonna help you run around after that kid?

... did he... physically?
... did she... phsically?
... much did he enjoy that big ass obstacle course?

Hey, didn't her brother just kill someone at Sea World? Maybe we should cut her some slack.


The last time I seen that many spare tyres , I was in Kwik-Fit

No way thats disgusting , how would she know if it was even in.....fuck how would the guy know if it was in?

We should just harpoon that right now and make soap


what the fuck you lookin at?
roll her in flour to find the wet spot? :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
I could join the group and make a joke about her weight, something like i bet when they were giving her an ultrasound it went something like " ok liver, pancreas, stomach, box of little debbies, can of dr pibb, tablespoon, another tablespoon, louisiana license plate- OU812, deck of playing cards-Hoyle, whole fish skeleton,chicken bone. chicken bone, chicken,ahhh ok baby!.....no thats a whole chocolate easter bunny, nurse cancel my 1 o'clock".
but i wont do that.
I wonder why society deems it ok to make fun of severly obese people but not say, crippled people.
528lbs? maybe you would think when she reached 250 or 300 hundred she might have said "maybe i should cut down on the food a bit".
Anyway how can she take care of a baby? can she even walk? change her own clothes? bathe herself?"
i wish her luck, for the babys sake.