
what the fuck you lookin at?
This fucking thread is STILL here!



what the fuck you lookin at?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Let it go. Don't bothr about things and people that you have zero control over and that you can avoid by switching channels.

I just took a shit so massive I feel
euphoric and light-headed. Sure was good.

Just pinched off another one. Hit it, dead Whitney Houston...


"The greatest shit of all
Was happening to me
I took the greatest shit of all
From inside of me
The greatest shit of all
Ate oatmeal to achieve
Still learning to wipe myself
Just took the greatest shit of all"
What's with those weird selfie-sticks nowadays? Aren't people feeling themselves like dumbasses when they shove those awkward things around taking pictures of themselves to post on their social media?
