
Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Bergfest (This is some trend that is around in erman bureaus for ten years or so, marking the wdnesday as the hill in the week. If you made it to today, from here it is switching from climbing that hill to strolling down to the weekend. "Bergfest" (german) = "Hillfest"



I'm watching some specialist videos


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Some weird laws from around the world, while we are taking a little break:

Dumb Laws in Thailand

It is illegal to leave your house if you are not wearing underwear.

You must wear a shirt while driving a car.

Dumb Laws in United Kingdom

Since 1313, MPs are not allowed to don armor in Parliament.

Excluding Sundays, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow.

Dumb Laws in Australia

It is illegal to wear hot pink pants after midday Sunday.

Until the Port Arthur Killings it was legal to own an AK-47 but not legal to be gay.