5 Little Questions


Member, you member...
Just sum little fun questions to ponder...

1). Do you turn the radio down in your car when you are looking for an address for the first time?

2). Do you look at women's feet?

3). What was the first "R" rated movie you saw at a theater?

4). Did you know the forum existed when you first found Freeones?

5). Have you attended any of your high school reunions?


1). Yes, I still do that, even though I know it does not help me find the location any sooner.

2). I always look at women's feet - a lot of times, pretty woman = pretty feet. I was told I had a foot fetish years ago when I told a great friend she had pretty feet. Funny thing is, I don't like foot fetish sites for shit.

3). "Alien" was the first "R" movie I saw at a theater - before they checked for ID's.

4). I did not know the forum was here when I used to check out the galleries until a year ago. Then I went ahead and signed up.

5). I have yet to attend a reunion. Hey, none of kept in touch after graduating, so...


No, no, I do not remember, no and no (I never graduated. Doubt I'd go even if I had though).
Compared to all the other somewhat mindless sex questions...I found these ones rather refreshing. At least they are different. And quircky.

I like quircky.
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2.Yes.(dont have a fetish though)
3.A stallone movie called "Death race"
5.Dont have reunions(But dont think I would go there)


Closed Account
2)No (I don't understand why everybody want's to see Kate's Playgounds feet so bad)
3)was Road Warrior R?
4)No, don't know how I found it either.
5)Yep, just one
1. yes
2. no
3. cannot remember.....
4. no, not for about six months....
5. No, and probably never will.....
1). yes - it's kind of distracting.
2). yes, but mostly to see what kind of shoes they're wearing
3). coming to america starring eddie murphy
4). this forum didn't exist when i first found freeones. i think i discovered it about 5 or 6 years ago (could be wrong about that :))
5). no, my 10 year reunion will be next year
1) no, but my wife does for me when shes in the car
2) yes...i actually like seeing the shoes people wear
3) i have no clue... possibly the original Alien
4) i visted this site for a good year and a half before realising it had a board
5) not yet


Member, you member...
Interesting how all the babe galleries kept us from seeing there was a forum here. lol
1). No, I usually just hit a tree - bad habit.

2). Yes, but it's not the first thing I look at

3). Not sure, Alien Resurrection, I think.

4). No.

5). No.
1). Do you turn the radio down in your car when you are looking for an address for the first time?
No.Actually I`m pretty good at this as I used to be a taxi driver for a while some years ago,before studies started to take too much time....

2). Do you look at women's feet?
Yes,if they are "visible"(i.e.short skirt or something...but no,I don`t have any leg fetish)

3). What was the first "R" rated movie you saw at a theater?
Can`t remember...I`ll say Cliffhanger,even though I`m pretty sure it`s not the first.I wasn`t that keen to go to movies when I was younger,because I thought that I could just as well check those flicks from video and save some money for better use...Actually I don`t even know what "R" rated excactly means.

4). Did you know the forum existed when you first found Freeones?
No,I used Freeones for at least two years until I noticed this board.

5). Have you attended any of your high school reunions?

Interesting query...I`m sure this gives a big help for mankind to take another major leap ahead :)