5 Little Questions - Member? You Member Edition - with a Bonus Q

These are GREAT questions and I feel honored to participate:

#1 - Sean Connery and my reason being is that I truly LOVE his accent, looks and I would do anything I could to fuck him in a heartbeat (although he is getting a little old and I wouldn't want him to have a heart attack...maybe a blow job would be more appropriate)!!!

#2 - Love me more and eventually it will be right!!

#3 - My first real kiss was under a C-130 aircraft sitting in a hanger at Little Rock AFB at 2:30 AM...which eventually led to a little more than a kiss!

#4 - What night are you talking about regarding dinner? If you are talking about 3/24/10...Carne Asada on the Grill...with a hot cock for desert!!!

#5 - Didn't know you wore pants...but if you do, I guess they are hanging on that palm 50' above you on that unnamed island ;o)

#6 - What I miss the most about my childhood is that I knew everyone in my LARGE neighborhood of several blocks, we were all friends, we got along and had a hell of a good time...today...nobody gives a shit about anyone else and you're lucky if you even know your neighbor or can speak their language ;0(

Nice job Joe and everyone of you who posed the questions...this is always a fun way to interact with others...
1.) Chris Hansen from dateline NBC. Just so when I walk into the bar he will say to me "Have a seat right over there."
2.) Love isn't wrong, it's a waste of time.
3.) Behind a bush when I was 12 or so while all my friends hid and watched me make-out with the girl as they giggled, completely killing my boner.
4.) Burritos, Ramen Noodles, an ice cream sandwich. The healthiest meal ever.
5.) Real men don't wear pants, they wear jorts. You're better off having lost them.
6.) Breast feeding.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
1. Sean Connery: I think he would have a few good stories to tell, and since he's a Scot, he should be able to hold his liquor.

2. There is no right answer.

3. Came when I was in second grade. Weirdly enough I am the only one to not remember it, but apparently it happened in a school play and was way more on-the-mouth than it was supposed to be.

4. Went to Fuddruckers and had a 1/2 pound Black & Bleu with fries and three Cokes, one Fresca, and a Sprite.

5. Sorry, I made a vest out of them. I would have told you, but... I just look so good...

6. Not being aware that the world and everyone in it sucks.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
1) What celebrity, alive or dead, would you have a beer with and why?

I don't care as long as she's hot.

2) If loving you is wrong, what's the right answer?


3) When was your first real kiss?

Last week.

4) What did you eat for dinner?

It tasted like chicken.

5) Where are my pants?

You're forgetting that you don't have any pants because you don't really exist.

6) What is something you miss the most from childhood?

Your mom.

7) What hair colour do they put on the driver's license of a bald man?

Hairing Impared
1) Columbus, so that I could drug his beer before he could set sail to the Americas for the first time..

2) Liking me & accepting that I'm always right is good enough.

3) Graspop metal meeting 2 years ago. Their performance sucked!

4) I haven't eaten dinner yet (today anyway).

5) I hope you're wearing them, cause a skirt really doesn't suit you.

6) Not having to worry about anything at all.


Official Checked Star Member
1) What celebrity, alive or dead, would you have a beer with and why?
Nick Carter. And it wouldn't be one beer, it'd be 15. Get him nice and intoxicated so I can take advantage.

2) If loving you is wrong, what's the right answer?
Love me anyways. Loving me may be wrong, but fucking me sure feels right! :D

3) When was your first real kiss?
I was 15...it was after my first date. Cheapass took me to Mcdonalds for dinner. And when he dropped me off at home, he proceeded to stick his tongue down my throat, and cover the lower half of my face with his saliva. I went inside and gagged like a motherfucker. Ick.

4) What did you eat for dinner?
A tv dinner lol. But in my defense, I'm moving next week and my whole kitchen is packed up so I can't do any real cooking.

5) Where are my pants?
In the washing machine....you jizzed in them you fool!

6) What is something You Miss the most from childhood?
Moms cooking. Summer vacation. Not having responsibilities.


Torn & Frayed.
I liked these questions so much,I'm going to answer them again...

1) What celebrity, alive or dead, would you have a beer with and why? Denis Leary,because I think he's a kindred spirit

2) If loving you is wrong, what's the right answer?
Love me anyway,you don't always have to do what's right.

3) When was your first real kiss?
[COLOR="Red]Still don't remember...[/COLOR]

4) What did you eat for dinner?
[COLOR]Last night? Macaroni and Cheese[/COLOR]

5) Where are my pants?
[COLOR] They're not on your head?[COLOR}

6) What is something [B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/you-mi"]You Mi[/URL][/B]ss the most from childhood?
Not having to wear seat belts.