5 Fun Facts About You : )

1) Fact 1 is that there is one fun fact about me.
2) Fact two is that there are two fun facts about me.
3) Fact 3 is that there are three fun facts about me.
4: Fact four is that there are four fun facts about me.
5) Fact 5 is that I like to fuck pineapples using coconuts. It's a fetish I call pina-collada-ing.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Now THAT bought back some High School memories.

I try explain that game to people and they just look at me like I have 6 heads.

Whatever OCSM category they have going on now, you should win just for knowing and appreciating the Doorknob Fart Game!

I praise you....

Awesome! I didn't think anyone would have any idea! LOL Now i don't feel so alone.... :shy:

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Great story : ) I just started my clips for sale store in August and it's growing but I have a huge respect for yours..I know what some of those top studios make and you're right in line with them! You are a talented business woman!

Thanks Mag-Pie! I had a strange drop off recently, I can't remember the last time I dropped out of the top 20......very frustrating. C4S is almost half my income these days, it's so frustrating DMCAing for hours at a time trying to keep all my stuff from being given away and killing my ability to support myself. Good luck with your store, I'm sure you will do very well in the coming years, you have a great following and when some of these guys figure out you will produce them their very own personal fantasy video they'll be all over it!

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Thanks Mag-Pie! I had a strange drop off recently, I can't remember the last time I dropped out of the top 20......very frustrating. C4S is almost half my income these days, it's so frustrating DMCAing for hours at a time trying to keep all my stuff from being given away and killing my ability to support myself. Good luck with your store, I'm sure you will do very well in the coming years, you have a great following and when some of these guys figure out you will produce them their very own personal fantasy video they'll be all over it!

Ugh. I am going to hire a company to do some DMCA for me, I don't have the time for it. It makes me sick how much content gets stolen, it's so wrong and horrible how entitled for everything for free some people are!
5 Fun Facts? Ummmmm

4) I Play Guitar
5) Love Junkfood
1. I really don't like people. People are stupid, individuals I can get along with though.
2. I don't drink alcohol, never have and never will. Oddly no one initially believes that someone from one of the "nice" areas of Glasgow has never touched alcohol.
3. I hate people who are cruel to animals. Long ago I repeatedly cut a neighbours TV off because he was cruel to his dog and I haven't spoken to one of my current neighbours for about 3 years because they were cruel to a cat.
4. A few years ago as part of a six monthly employee review I was given the task of organising a department night out (see number 1). My boss at the time was a bit of a smart ass.
5. I truly despise text speak and people who constantly misspell in live chat (games, messenger and so on...)

6'ish. I'm not just doing this to up my non-existent post count. Honest.
1. I've never broken a bone in my body (touch wood)
2. Since the time my voice broke, I've been known to sometimes copy voices of cartoon and movie characters.
3. I've lost count of how many times I've moved house in my life. It's over 20 and its at least 20 times too many.
4. As a young kid I had some bad habits, namely liking to hide for really long amounts of time (to the point where I had my parents looking for me) and setting fire to things. In hindsight I'm probably lucky that I never set myself on fire, burnt a house down....or became a fire bug :facepalm:
5. I think thats about it, any more and I might incriminate myself further!
Hmm well here goes
1. I never date police women, those who like horses or play rugby why cos they are all nuts
2. I do not drink tequila it is guaranteed to make me sick
3. I have a bad reputation for loosing things when pissed
4. I always sleep naked
5. I love exercising and this August I'm signed up for tough mudder