Everything you say is true. I still think that the NFL is a subtle form of brainwashing. People get conditioned to watch it and they don't dare swim against the tide.
Taking the X-Games seriously? That's an interesting way of putting it. I don't know how seriously I take it, it's just waaay more entertaining to watch. The individual events require more of a gut-check (moto-cross pole vaulting? What twisted genius invented this?), and you don't get Terrell Owens types or that Keyshawn whatever-his-last-name-is types.
One thing I tell every prospective girlfriend that comes along is, I will do whatever she wants to do on Superbowl Sunday.......even if it means watching the Superbowl. :dunno:
What I meant by taking it seriously is this...could you picture someone going nuts over an X-Games competitor? A lot of NFL fans watch for one reason, and that's to cheer on their favorite players. I could be wrong about this, but in the X-Games it seems like a majority of the competetors are interchangable and the fans don't know much about them.
Agree 100%
I sure as hell wouldn't, but I think that it has to do with ignorance, excessive pre game drinking, a gang like mentality that identifies with particular teams and a high percentage of a blue collar workforce who find themselves w/out a job and little hope for the future... it's a dangerous tonic!
Yeah, I think you're right about all of that. To me, football is just a sport and a form of entertainment. To too many others, it is a near-religious experience that they take way too far.
European futbol fans are far worse.
Of course. I've heard the stories about Nazi salutes, urine bombs, riots and the whole nine yards. But I think that passion stems from nationalism more than the actual sport of futbol, right?