4 UFC champs VS grizzly bear

4 UFC champs on a grizzly is a sure win especially when I have footage showing a man single-handedly take one down.


Thank you all for your comments! ;)
Ha! This reminds me of the story circulating a few years ago about the 41 Korean midgets vs. a Siberian Tiger.
I saw a documentary that said a bear's back muscles are wound so tight that when they pull back and swipe at you, it really really hurts.
Bear? C’mon, an inverted ankle lock would clean that MF right up. If you want to make it a fair contest, pit our four combatants against a hippopotamus in a zoo enclosure gauntlet match. Now, it's fair.
ok, grizzly bear and 4 UFC fighters, BUT the UFC guys have a 9mm with only 2 shots a piece.

so basically 4 UFC guys, and a grizzly bear with 8 bullets from a 9mm, and 4 guys wielding the gun as a weapon to pistol whip the bear....who would win?


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I can't make up my mind which would win. It would have to be a big bad ass grizzly, some will be put off with a swift punch to the nose.
In a straight up bare hands fight, almost certainly the grizzly. Give the humans something long and sharp, and it's a much more even battle. Guns makes it way too easy since all you need is a single clean shot to the head to disable the bear. Just sacrifice one guy to get mauled to death while the rest of you take shots.

Our ancestors would have known what to do, but most of us today are too soft for anything like that. I doubt if UFC fighters would do well at all -- all their fighting is focused on beating the pulp out of humans not animals. They would have problems with a lion, let alone a full grown grizzly. Genuine animal hunters would be much more suited to the task. :D

4 ufc fighters vs 400lbs silver back gorilla ?

UFC fighters, because the anatomy's similar enough that their training would definitely come into play.