300mb Cam Whore & August vids

Good Stuff sir. I had no problems directly clicking the links and FireFox was fine for this.


:wtf: :nono: More content sharing on the board, tut tut. This is probably in breach of copyright rules, as well as breaching FO's own guidance. Shame on y'all. :ban:
Dinalt said:
:wtf: :nono: More content sharing on the board, tut tut. This is probably in breach of copyright rules, as well as breaching FO's own guidance. Shame on y'all. :ban:

Wrong. The stilemedia group (stileproject.com, blogwars.com, theforum.com) have huge sponsorship deals with many many porn sites, who in turn offer the odd free vid hosting to pull people to their site. In actual fact I'm fairly certain they setup CamWhores, if not they are pimping it hugely.

This is hosted on the stilemedia server with an advertisement there as you download, so I'm not breaking any rules. They see the add so they get what they want out of the deal. If anything they should thank me as I'm directing more traffic there :tongue: