21 Drinking Rituals From Around The World

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Pretty interesting stuff here. Except for this:

Hockey Night

Canadians take their hockey very seriously, as they do their beer. And, whenever possible, they take them both seriously at the same time. Hockey is Canada's most popular sport, and more often than not hockey games are associated with heavy drinking. Whether at a bar, at the game, or at home, Canadians believe that drinking and hockey are two things that should go hand in hand.

What else are they going to do, go outside and enjoy their five minute summer?

Nothing can beat Oktoberfest.

They forgot Turkish Raki too.
I think, we in The Netherlands are more like the Irish.
I don't see keg stands or beer bongs in that list. :wtf:
I've always wanted to try some Absinthe.

Have you ever had licorice? Imagine that mixed in a really thick crème de menthe and you have Absinthe. I once tried some, and I mmediately reached for my bottle of Jack to wash it down because the thing was so fucking foul. :pukey: