*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Wisconsin primary is tomorrow. If Trump wins he will probably will have an easy path to the nomination, as they are getting to the winner take all states. If Cruz or Kasich do strong there will probably be a contested convention. On the Democratic side with all proportional states it's harder to get a lead but once they do it's hard for a surging underdog to catch up.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Must have been a fantastic city block feeling that night in Milwaukee

More likely than not that it will be a contested convention. At a contested convention, Cruz will most likely win. Another thing that most people dont realize is that California is really 50 - something seperate elections, not just one, because it is done by each county. Supposedly Cruz has been working California for months.
I thought he "got the best people". Anyway, I still don't like the rules from state to state. It needs to be uniform and involve actual voters whether through caucus or primary.

The Dems and Debbie " Shut your pie hole" Schultz are really giving Bernie the shaft.

One of the things that isn't mentioned is that a party nominee gets a huge say in who gets to lead the party. Which is another reason Both Trump and Cruz especially Trump, are meeting so much opposition by the GOP estabs.
Paul Ryan 2016.

Please, GOP, foist that on us.

Paul Ryan just had a press conference where he REALLY REALLY stated he would not accept the nomination. He even asked the rules committee to write a ruled prohibiting anyone but the 17 candidates (someone who ran this time) from being nominated.
I am close to believing him this time. ; )

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The only way Hilldebeast and comrade de Blasio could have been more offensive is if they did his endorsement while in black face. What kind of stupid assholes can't see that she doesn't care about anyone? If you support her because she's a woman, you are a sexist. If you support her for her qualifications, you're an idiot.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Trump's lame-ass excuse was that he was referring to Joe Pa's statue. And this guy is a front runner. I rarely do this but........:facepalm:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Trump pissing and moaning about the rules. Look pal, when you decided to run for president you knew the rules. As a president you need to play by other's rules in world situations.
Trump pissing and moaning about the rules. Look pal, when you decided to run for president you knew the rules. As a president you need to play by other's rules in world situations.

Trump doesn't need to play by other peoples rules. He has his own rules, to crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and hear the lamentations of their women.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Just think of Trump instead of Conan, and illegals instead of serpent men, and Obama instead Wrath-Amon. It all fits.

I just need to see him stand there, bare-chested, and doing that sword-training. And, of course, knock out a camel.
