2010 MLB Plaoffs: It's My Twins v. Your Yankees, Vlad

I know you guys have the advantage, but we will see, eh? I think this is a toss up, although on paper the Yank wankers are supposed to win, TWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNSS. :mad: :D
Good luck to your Twins! I can't stand the freakin' Yankees, so I'm rooting for anyone else in the AL to make it to the World Series.

Hopefully the team that does will be playing the Reds. I'm not hoping for much from them, just making the playoffs is enough for me after how bad they've been this past decade. Plus, they got the Phils first round which doesn't bode well. But a guy can dream, can't he?

Redlegs FTW! :nanner:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
They're still playing baseball? :dunno: I thought the season was over months ago...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
WTF is with the title of this thread? You're being awfully direct on who you want to talk to. Well I'll just leave cause it appears like you're going to do it anyway.

PS: you spelt playoffs wrong.
WTF is with the title of this thread? You're being awfully direct on who you want to talk to. Well I'll just leave cause it appears like you're going to do it anyway.

PS: you spelt playoffs wrong.
It's all arbitrary. Please, feel free to speak your mind. Besides, Adronicus is our designated English professor. :mad:

I'm still waiting for Vladimir to weigh in on this developing ugly situation.. :mad:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I like Greg's twins better.

Yours look a bit too wholesome :angels:

His look slightly psychotic, which is more the type of women I'm accustomed to :)

You do realize that these twins left the Playboy mansion because of their rowdy behavior and were notorious for their wild partying. Both have also been arrested for aggravated assault. Looks can be deceiving. ;)
You do realize that these twins left the Playboy mansion because of their rowdy behavior and were notorious for their wild partying. Both have also been arrested for aggravated assault. Looks can be deceiving. ;)

ahhhhhh, ok my mistake.
In that case bring 'em on :D

PS: Did they actually do time for aggravated assault?
If so that would be another plus :)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
ahhhhhh, ok my mistake.
In that case bring 'em on :D

PS: Did they actually do time for aggravated assault?
If so that would be another plus :)

They were put on probation and ordered to pay restitution. :o

They're fucking hot. You don't go to jail when you're that goddamn sexy.
I've long been an admirer of the way the Twins run their organization. Here is to a Twins/Reds World Series.

That would be awesome. I love the fact that, finally, we have home field against the pin stripes. We have to defeat them. There is no other argument relevant to this disccusion. Death to the Yankees! Death to the Yankees!

I loved the '03 team, but if our pitching is STRONG we will prove every asshole at ESPN wrong. ;)


Believer In GregCentauro
I really hope the Twins have it this year...but we are lookin at in eight seasons the Twins' record in the series is 16-50, including 5-27 in New York and 2-9 in the postseason. Its gonna be tough, but if there was any year to take em down, this is it.