You can't trust that blog as fact when the author put so much emphasis on the Eric Ramsey tapes and the FBI proved those tapes were fake.
How did Auburn pull in a top 5 class? Quite simply, Gus Malzahn! Offensive players want to go to a school with a high-octane offense, and Auburn's offensive coordinator has a proven track record at every school he's ever coached at.
As for the Cecil Newton's supposed windfall, if that is even true, it could be from his church, but I doubt that. It is possible that it may have come from Cam's brother, Cecil Jr., an offensive lineman for the Jacksonville Jaguars.
I would say it's an extreme stretch! I can't say with absolute certainty that Auburn didn't pay a player here or there, just as you can't say that about whatever team you pull for.
As for your sources, I have my own, one of them with an inside line to the athletic department and they don't seem worried at all. Although, I will add there hasn't been any talk about Bobby Lowder, so maybe the FBI does have something on him. If so, there's no word if it could be connected to Auburn. From the info I know of, the FBI seems to be focusing on Milton McGregor for possibly bribing politicians to repeal the gambling laws in Alabama, and the reason Auburn was brought up was because Milton donated 1 million to the university.
First, the cheated in class allegation was miconstrued. From the info I was given, he bought a couple of term papers, not cheated on a test. As for the theft charge :dunno: His explanation does seem plausible.
Well, we shall see... But doesn't it bother you than Cam lied about why he left UF, he lied about the laptop, his dad lied when asked if he solicited money from MSU, basically there's a pattern here, and it's not good.
My dad went to AU, and he stopped giving money to the university years ago because of the people running things down there... the same people are still there, still pulling the strings from behind the curtain... does anyone think anything has changed except that Bobby Lowder doesn't have Colonial Bank to give the players "loans" anymore? They just changed their distribution methods. :dunno: