Just because it's popular doesn't make it a well made movie. that's why porn movies aren't nominated.
Sean Penn won the Best Actor Oscar!!!!
Honestly, Mickey Rourke wasn't that convincing to me. I'm glad Sean Penn won because let's face it, he's one of the best actors ever.
I agree, whilst I thought it was a great performance by Rourke I felt it was being over hyped because it was a great "come back". I thought Penn's performance was better.
Someone alive should have won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar, there I said it!!!
My feeling is, its not going to help Heath Ledger in anyway getting this award, if it was given to Josh Brolin (who was fantastic in Milk) for example his career goes up another notch. I personally thought if Heath Ledger were alive he wouldnt even win becasue lets face it as soon as the man died that performance was blown way over the top. Yes it was good, but was it better than any of the actors who were still alive, not in my eyes it wasnt.
Am I being deadist?
I am happy for Heath Ledger and his family,he definitely deserve it cause he did an incredible job as the joker.Its sad that he is not hear to accept it but not for one moment do I think he won because he died.
I liked Winslet's winning speech. About Slumdog, I'm still unsure as to why it won best picture? It was a good movie, but it wasnt that great.
Just because it's popular doesn't make it a well made movie. that's why porn movies aren't nominated.
As to these people who say that nothing but trash comes out of Hollywood, do you only watch french films or what?
It was the "artsy" movie that came out at the right time. I think I can once remember Kevin Smith joking about that, (not that he's an expert on good movies or anything, but still he had a point.) I think often people will tactically make movies like that just to win the Oscar and not because they just wanted to make a movie like normal. (I'm not saying that happened this time.)
Or was it just a weak year for films?
I think if Heath Ledger was alive he wouldn't have won, but he was definitely deserving of a nomination. I mean he carried The Dark Knight, and the movie alone should've gotten a best picture and director nomination, but since it's a comic book movie, it had no chance.