20 worse games of all-time (video games)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
come on , halo 2 horrible ???

The multiplayer IS enjoyable, yes. But.. even that is made pretty cheap because of the one hit kill sword.

ring of red for the ps2. i was really excited to play that one but it took me nearly 2 years after it was released to find a copy, then i played it and it really sucked.

Doesnt it suck when that happens?! I remember back in the day a friend who modchipped his PS1 was deep into downloading PSX ISO's over his cable modem... (both pretty rare, at the time. Mod/Cable)

So anyway, he gave me Quake 3 Arena for PC, and Legend of Mana for PS1. I knew the swap trick for PS1, so that wasnt ever a problem.. except the disk was a 700 MB CDR, so the PS1 took 30 extra seconds to load EVERY little thing. Which.. makes it altogether unplayable. Seeing as how I never experience a game on a platform that RUINS the experience.. I didnt emulate it until I had a decent machine. And man.. does that game suck. It's like a poor man's version of CRONO CROSS! AND THAT GAME SUCKS *HARD*!

So yeah.. waiting forever to play something, then finally doing so.. like finding the whole library of NES games, downloading and finding out those FEW games you always had your eye on as a kid.. are actually sucky games. Weak!

war gods?! i remember that game. it was on the n64 i believe. it was basically just a fighting game engine that aparently someone thought was good enough to be its own game

Yeah, Midway. The guys that made Mortal Kombat. Boon/Tobias. It also came out at the arcade... but yeah, it sucked waay too much to even be an enjoyable engine for other fighters.

While we're talking about awful games.. did anyone ever play THRILL KILL? It was supposed to be banned, canned and hard to find... Playstation One. 3D fighter type.. very violent, as I recall. Only released in Beta form, and had fighters/stages/music missing.. at least that was the rumor. Supposedly a friend of mine had it but I was on Dial up at the time. 56 K? 56 days to download!

My most hated game has always been Q-bert. Anyone remember that game? They even made into a horrible kids cartoon. Right about the time Mr. T had his saturday morning cartoon.

Hmmm, let's see.

War Gods
Dark Castle
Rival Turf
Battle Arena Toshinden 3

And that's it basically.

Daikatana was no masterpiece, but it didnt SUCK! Still... I expected a lot from the guys that brought me Deus Ex and others..

Toshinden 3... G_D that game was disgusting. The original was sweet... ANYONE STILL HAVE IT?! ;) ;)
Hated Manhunt - ended up giving it away to my brother.....

It's a matter of preference. I freekin loved that game.
The titles on the list - Superman 64 for example - are ones that nobody could possibly like, except for the cheese factor.

Speaking of cheesy bad games, I didn't spot Shaq Fu on that list.
Those seem right to me. Total Recall was awesomely bad.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
There's a thing called Edit button.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

Pac man. Every bond game besides Goldeneye 1 and Sean Connery's From Russia with Love.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games beside Tournament Fighters (SNES) the newest one based off the movie.(PC) Playing PS2's Black on any difficulty besides EASY.

Twisted Metal Black sucks ONLY because it's too friggin' hard. You die in a few hits even with the most heavily armored cars. It's like playing Twisted Metal 1 with the ferrari car. AKA one hit kills you! BULLSH!T!

Rez for Dreamcast. Killer Instinct for SNES. 4WD The Baja for SNES. Pretty much any game that utilized Mode7 for SNES. 'cept Pilotwings and Actraiser 1.

Now actraiser 2... omfg.. awful. Every Starfox game. Every SuperFX Chip game for SNES besides Vortex. Every Marvel Fighting game BEFORE Marvel Vs. Capcom 2.
Dark Summit and Brute Force, only through Zen like calm did I not snap those discs.

Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - 150 button combos to learn, it's Hulk for gods sake!

Predator: Concrete Jungle - shit in every way
World Of Warcraft, a game my friends 5 year old kid can play, yet Blizzard has everyone addicted like it's digital crack.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I haven't heard of any on the original list. Guess I didn't miss out on anything!
No way. I'm not a big fan of halo, i'm a Half-Life man myself, but halo 2 was pretty enjoyable, and the multiplayer was kickass.

Yeah same here halo 2 live was mint.