15 year old shoots himself in the PENIS.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I am not trying to be funny in this instance, but the only positive thing that comes out of this whole situation is the little fucktard only hurt himself & thankfully he didn't kill or maim some other innocent person who could've very well been the unfortunate victim of this morons stupidity. :rolleyes:

Hopefully he stays in juvenile custody until he's 18 or maybe they'll charge him as an adult & let him do prison time, most of us know how the adage goes "commit adult crimes, do adult times" :2 cents:
Shooting himself in the cock?.

I know that I get so hard for Jessica Alba sometimes that I feel like I could use my cock as a hammer. A hammer that could pound nails into six inch thick wooden planks. That's how hard I get when thinking about Jessica. But for fuck sake, I wouldn't attempt to try it LOL.

What was he thinking when he shot himself in the willy. Fucking idiot.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Kids going to have a tough time in high school, too. Think of the nicknames and cat-calls.
"Hey, pistol-dick!"
"There goes quick draw!"
"Hi, Cock Shot."
"I hear you shot your wad in your pants."

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Kids going to have a tough time in high school, too. Think of the nicknames and cat-calls.
"Hey, pistol-dick!"
"There goes quick draw!"
"Hi, Cock Shot."
"I hear you shot your wad in your pants."

I don't think school is in this kids future, probably juvenile lockup or prison, but not school, he is guilty of several felonies, I don't know about firearm laws in every state, but if your caught carrying illegally in Michigan its an automatic 2 year prison charge, I am not sure about NYC though. :2 cents:


My Penis Is Dancing!
I don't think school is in this kids future, probably juvenile lockup or prison, but not school, he is guilty of several felonies, I don't know about firearm laws in every state, but if your caught carrying illegally in Michigan its an automatic 2 year prison charge, I am not sure about NYC though. :2 cents:

*Tries to save face*

I meant...uh...prison school?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
did you folks not know? it's like a gecko's tail - shoot it off, it grows back!

this kid is sad for many reasons.

I've heard of busting a nut,but Jesus.....

He took the idea of "shooting his load" a bit too seriously...

So, if he ends up getting a blowjob someday, will it sound like someone is playing the flute? :dunno: Just askin'.

Oh, I got another. He took the meaning of cumshot to a whole nother level! ;)

I'm loving these puns. Nice job everybody! :)

Kids going to have a tough time in high school, too. Think of the nicknames and cat-calls.
"Hey, pistol-dick!"
"There goes quick draw!"
"Hi, Cock Shot."
"I hear you shot your wad in your pants."

Nice job one and all. Respek!