15 year old shoots himself in the PENIS.


Well at least he fought back! Wouldn't let his penis take over his life. Once your penis starts to think for you it's over.

Yea, I can't really disagree with you on this one.
(Quite a few negative comments about the layout of the NYPOST website LOL.)


My Penis Is Dancing!
Stupidity is the best form of gun control. This is, in fact, why I am not a fan of gun control - though I consider myself quite liberal. As long as these Darwinian runners ups continue shooting themselves in the dick, their chances of breeding decreases.
And, it gives me a large chance for some tail.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I would say, that falls into the catagory of Stupid is as stupid does. Not only was he carrying a gun in his wasitband, he clearly was an idiot and shot himself in his dick as a result, be he went home to show his mommy instead of going to the hospital first. This is the universes way of saying, you should not breed...
How could anyone do that to themselves??

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Someone needs to post this at darwin awards straight away.
:sing: What would you do-O-o-O-o-O for a Klondike Bar? :sing:

Announcer: Would you shoot yourself in the crotch?

15-year-old BET generation youth: Hells yeah, fool! *grabs gun*
So much for the benefits of the Second Amendment... I see a beautiful parable in this story. Gun owner shoots himself in the crotch. :1orglaugh


The One and Only Big Daddy
Well it is over for him before it even started 15 with no dick oh goodness:1orglaugh I can't say I feel bad for him of course when I was 15 my penis was my best friend hell it still is :hatsoff:


Closed Account
15 years old. With a gun. It is not just the gun control law that needs to be amended. It is the whole area. It has been so long now that children in New York walk around threatening and being threatened. What kind of a life is it for these kids?

You think this child would at least have learned something from other's mistakes, or heard of the safety switch, or have learned it isn't macho to own a gun.

"More than a licence for a gun>>>" from "Englishman in New York" by Sting.