
Just got back from seeing 1408. It was really good - a total mind fuck. I've never been a big John Cusack fan, but he was really impressive. He gave a very poignant performance in parts.

This is one of the few horror movies I've seen that actually makes you think and feel, rather than a weakly-plotted gore-fest like most "horror" films today. Also one of the few horror movies I've seen that I haven't considered completely ridiculous. It's actually a great combination of horror film and psychological thriller.

If you're looking for something to do this weekend, 1408 won't disappoint. This is probably the best movie I've seen so far this summer (after two major disappointments in Grindhouse and Shrek 3), and a refreshing change from the usual summer crap they offer at the movie theater.
I really wanna see it this weekend but it's not playing in our theatres yet.

Grindhouse disappointed you? well Gridnhouse can't possibly be a disappointment since it was meant to be an idiotic 70's-like movie.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah, I thought that looked kinda interesting.
Kinda Twilight Zone-ish.
Now I have confirmation from a person with good taste.
Thanks Sput, I'll see it soon.


The Anal Connoisseur
I saw it yesterday. I have to say that it was one of the best horror movies in at least 10 years
It didn't really blow me away to be honest. It was good, and entertaining and all, which is more than most movies thesedays, but I didn't leave the theater feeling as if I would have missed anything by not seeing it or by seeing something else instead and it didn't really leave any lasting feelings. I'm not saying that It has to like stir up great emotions in me or anything, but with some movies I find that I feel like talking about it afterwards, like "what do you think is the meaning behind this movie?" or clarification of a plot twist that is ambigious or future reprecussions of the storyline within the movieverse, or to say "I didn't like it when this happened", or "they should have gone this way with it", or just to say "that scene was cool." after that movie I just said, "Ok. that wasn't too bad."

I don't want to give it away, but it has a very typical steven king ending, so if you read his books, then you will know what I'm talking about.
Just got back from seeing 1408. It was really good - a total mind fuck. I've never been a big John Cusack fan, but he was really impressive. He gave a very poignant performance in parts.

This is one of the few horror movies I've seen that actually makes you think and feel, rather than a weakly-plotted gore-fest like most "horror" films today. Also one of the few horror movies I've seen that I haven't considered completely ridiculous. It's actually a great combination of horror film and psychological thriller.

If you're looking for something to do this weekend, 1408 won't disappoint. This is probably the best movie I've seen so far this summer (after two major disappointments in Grindhouse and Shrek 3), and a refreshing change from the usual summer crap they offer at the movie theater.


Well you have been warned, I think the movie was fucking crazy, but it left me wondering. Did him and hsi wife got trapped in that "limbo esque room"? Who sent hin the card that said "don't go to 1408?' was it his wife? was she already trapped in there? If he really left the room then whats up with his wife being able to hear their dead daughter's voice? What you think?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Maybe I should go check it out!


Well you have been warned, I think the movie was fucking crazy, but it left me wondering. Did him and hsi wife got trapped in that "limbo esque room"? Who sent hin the card that said "don't go to 1408?' was it his wife? was she already trapped in there? If he really left the room then whats up with his wife being able to hear their dead daughter's voice? What you think?

I was under the impression that Samuel L. Jackson sent him the card, because he acted like he'd read all Cusack's books before he came to the hotel. Perhaps he wanted to find someone to stop the deaths and ease his mind?

As for hearing the dead daughter's voice, it's a common paranormal event called electronic voice phenomena (EVP). Basically it's the belief you can hear spirit voices on devices using magnetic tape, once you filter out the background noise. The human voice generally falls within a certain range of herz..anything below or above that is considered paranormal. EVPs have been an interest of mind, and I've taken a few recordings at local graveyards and such.

Anyway, not to divert too far from the movie, I think it was supposed to be ambiguous as to whether or not they both were trapped in the room, judging by the sinister expression on Cusack's face. Although I personally think his wife wouldn't have looked so surprised to hear the daughter's voice, had she been trapped in the room as well.

(highlight text to read)

I think the thing is that he didn't believe in the afterlife or anything supernatural, and room 1408 is the only real haunted place. that's why the voice was on the tape recorder, because everything that happened to him actually happened. after he expierenced that it made him believe. I think that he went to all those places to prove that it wasn't true, because he didn't want to believe it, but also because a part of him did want to beleive it and wanted to be convinced and to see his daugher again. I think that maybe room 1408 isn't neccesarily evil, it just shows you what's inside your own head and makes you face your own inner fears and demons and that's why most people can't take it, some of them kill themselves, others kill other people, some of them just die of shock. His fear was facing his daughters death and the breakup of his life and the thought of the afterlife, because the notion that there is more to life than just this world makes it too hard for him to cope with it, it's easier to think that this is all there is and that his memories are in the past and not a part of him forever and that death really is the end of everything and he can just move on. But he was able to face that and to see and understand that he can still have his life and overcome his loss, and that's why he was able to escape from the room. Along those same notes, maybe the room called his wife to him so that they can get back togther because he obviosuly couldn't do it on his own without the forced confrontation.

I also kinda got the impression that maybe sam jackson was the one that sent him the letter and he wanted him to survive and tell everyone about it because he knew that it was haunted. Or maybe he was a ghost too that was connected to the room, maybe the first person to go in it, and he calls people to go inside so that someone will eventually escape and destory the room so that his soul can be set free.

wow. that's really crazy, I said that I didn't think about the movie, but after you posted that, I got all these ideas popping up in my head.
Just got back from seeing this- WOW. The best horror movie I've seen in a long time, and I loved the ending. I loved it especially because it was ambiguous and left things open to interpretation. Plenty of great scares, and I thought Cusack was great. The only thing I couldn't believe was that Stephen King wrote it- he usually doesn't do much for me when it comes to on-screen stuff.

I would highly recommend seeing this to anyone.

Ha ha! I love that one. "Better off dead" and "One Crazy Summer"- the two he did with Savage Steve Holland- are classic! 1408, though, was intense, and I loved it.

The other two John Cusack ones I would recommend are "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", and "Grosse Point Blank".



what the fuck you lookin at?
So...is the movie scary? God it's been so long since I've had a nightmare from a movie!
So...is the movie scary? God it's been so long since I've had a nightmare from a movie!

I found it to be pretty scary in some parts, and I even got the ole goosebumps in a couple spots too! I don't think I'll have nightmares from it, but I loved it.

Oh, and I forgot a really good John Cusack movie- "Identity". Talk about a mind-fuck! :spin:



what the fuck you lookin at?
American History X was another good one of his!
So...is the movie scary? God it's been so long since I've had a nightmare from a movie!

Not scary just more of a mind bender, kinda hard to predict the plot so I found it pretty good. No nightmares but lots of now thats Fuck Up when I was watching it.