12 year old arrested for drawing on a desk

Will E Worm

Sorry, but you got your head up your ass. I don't know if you've ever been handcuffed, but I have. Now, as a 220 lb. male combat vet, I can take it, and quite a bit more. But a 12 year old girl whose idea of "vandalism" is "I love my friends..."? This is way out of line, and you shouldn't have to be told that. It's a big shock when those cuffs get put on, and she didn't do anything to rate that kind of treatment. I don't think she should have had any kind of restraint used. What was she going to do? Kick out the back window of the patrol car and hijack a plane to Costa Rica? Give me a fuckin' break.

Seriously, what the fuck is the matter with you?

There's a lot wrong with Chef. ;)

He lives in Cleveland now. :tongue:

He deserved it.

He? :rolleyes:


Fucker should get the chair, hanged and then firing squad. :mad:
How dare she destroy government property after they give you the best free education in the world.:mad:
I know you didn't read it or you would not say anyone deserved that. :tongue:

I didn't read it because its absolutely retarded, and I don't feel like making myself retarded by reading it and lowering my IQ.


Writing on a desk, huh?
Thats how Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, OJ and Tiger Woods started off.

They should stop her before she becomes a monster.
Writing on a desk, huh?
Thats how Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, OJ and Tiger Woods started off.

They should stop her before she becomes a monster.

I'm already writing letters to congress and senate to pass execution sentence on her. We can't tolerate this kind of hatred towards inanimate objects!

Sure, it's one thing to write on your notebook, shoes, arms, palms, paper, walls, chalkboards, white boards, but a desk! A desk!!! That selfish bitch! I bet she peed in the toilets too in that school! She doesn't own those toilets so what gives her the right to pee in them!? Vandalism should not be tolerated! Kill them all!!!!!
