11 Year Old kicked off cheer squad for not shaking booty


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Wait, she's eleven and she's been a cheerleader for four years?

Umm... What?
Hugh Hefner wouldn't put up with this elderly-retirement bullshit!

So what...?

I know, roronoa, I know. I've long been on to your shit.

Actually, at 11, that is pretty sad making sexual objects of girls. I know we're on a porn sight, guys and gals, but serisously, if my sister would've been at my games shaking her ass on the side, I'd've puked. And where is the ACLU? :dunno: Jesus, I must be old to think that 11 is "young"... :rolleyes:


Hiliary 2020
11 year old should not be shaking their booty in front of anybody.
although i'm sure a lot of pediphiles would disagree.

can you say JonBenet?
Good grief, if you guys Google "11 year old," you that insinuate that this is in any way appropriate should ask again. I understand what brother facetious was noting with OP.

Anyway, my rant - over! ;)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
At least one of these girls have someone in the home to set good standards of conduct.

You know society has gone down the fucking tube when only one eleven-year old girl has decent moral values and she's made an outcast for it.
Are cheerleaders even cheerleaders anymore? Do they lead cheers, or are they just dancers?
Anyway, 11 year old? That's disgusting.

"Booty" shaking is a sexually suggestive move. FACT.


how :lame: is that?
pretty fucking :lame:

so roro you think its cool for 11 year olds to be showing their asses in front of hundreds of adults?
you know, shaking their booties.

I don't think you do.
do you?

They don't show their asses and they don't shake their asses as I stated earlier.
It is a cheer, they don't pop, lock and drop it like its hot.

I have been to plenty of little league football games with that cheer.
I really don't look at this board as a porn forum for the most part. I look at it as a forum where I go on to post in current events, news, funny, video games, and crazy threads. Some people do not come here for the porn. They come here because it is uncensored, damn cool place to be at, and good for meeting awesome people who, for the most part, act like adults and can carry on a conversation as one.

I might use it to look at naked chicks 1% of my time on here in a month. If that. The whole you're on a porn board so why are you acting like your have morals and values line is such a useless, trivial and idiotic response anyone can give someone as a reply.

This is an eleven-year-old girl being told to shake her booty in front of a bunch of people at a sporting event. Not like she is a college cheerleader/sorority sister.

1) I'd be upset if my daughter would come home and tell me the cheerleader/school wants her to shake her butt at a game.

2) I would raise hell about it.

3) There is no sense in having a girl of this age to do such a thing. Especially if they aren't comfortable doing such an act.


Hiliary 2020
They don't show their asses and they don't shake their asses as I stated earlier.
It is a cheer, they don't pop, lock and drop it like its hot.

I have been to plenty of little league football games with that cheer.

ok, we don't know.
i guess we would have to see the routine to decide.
but from how it was explained in the article it sounded pretty ass-centric.
and you know the exact cheer? number 33 was it?
aww c'mon!