1000 things you want to do before you die...

126. Fuck Briana Banks
127. Buy my dreamcar: aston martin
128. see my girlfriend getting breast implants (I hope that will come soon)
129. Make pictures of my GF with her new and bigger boobs
130. fuck my best friends sister, she's fucking hott, and she has given me a blowjob already
132. continue my understanding with my current girlfriend that we can have sex with other people as long as we tell one another anything and the sex is just for sex. We are together for 2,5 years now and we still love each other very much, it's just a mather of communicating and understanding. We both have the same ideas about sex, that we want to be with one another but that we also are way to young not to have sex with other people.
133. bounce from taylor kennedy's left boob to the right, then back to the left again.
134. star in a major motion picture
135. do those last 2 at the same time!!
137. See asgood do his #135 :rofl:
138. Fire a Browning Automatic Rifle
139. Drive all of my dream cars
140. Complete all of the Final Fantasy games to date
141. Find my dream girl and live happily ever after
142. be a professional something, anything really :p
143. learn to play drums
144. learn to play guitar
147. Win a BIG Lotto jackpot
148. Fuck Belladonna in the ass several times a day
149. Stay healthy
150. Stop lookin' at pictures of girlies with no clothes on

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151. See this thread it 1000 (i don't think it will)
152. Take Mikey's Lotto winnings
153. buy an aston martin
154. to meet Fembomb
155. to meet Fembomb twice
156. to meet Fembomb and have incredible sex with her on our third date
157. play football with the Arsenal squad
161. make out with Aria Giovanni
171. suck on Aria Giovanni's beautiful tits
172. have a taste of Aria Giovanni's ass
173. have a taste of Aria Giovanni's pussy
174. fuck Aria Giovanni's ass and pussy
175. get head for 3 hours straight from Aria Giovanni
176. make the first and only Aria Giovanni hardcore film
177. beat up Aria Giovanni's faggity boyfriend
178. nut in Aria Giovanni'ss mouth and have her swallow it
179. inpregnate Aria Giovanni
180. beat up Aria Giovanni for never enjoying my dick earlier in her life
181. do 161- 178 again
182. keep her head as a souvenir in hell.
that's about it, than i woul die happily! :1orglaugh :thefinger :banger: :nannerf1: :pimpdaddy :nannerf2
183. slap a restraining order on assforlunch, she's a women, never hit women
184. meet assforlunch in hell and behead him :p .... not the best souvenire