I do have one question. Especially been a ex-smoker.
How the hell does anyone know this is her 170,000th cigarette?
No smoker in the world counts every one they smoke. Plus at different times you some different amounts. So you can't work it out that way either. So unless since her very first one she's kept a record which I very much doubt.
She said she smoked 5 a day only all her life. I suppose they just figured it on that.
Surprise, some do count. My friend Helen's aunt smoked only three a day. One after each meal with tea. *shrugs*
Never any rhyme or reason to life. :dunno: That lady looks strong as a bull for 100. My gram died of lung cancer and
never smoked. Nor was she ever exposed to secondhand smoke. Way before her time, she didn't allow it in her home
EVER , my pop and uncles had to go to the 'road' (end of drive) after supper to do their sinning as she put it. lol They couldn't even sit on the porch since it waffed into the house.
May she be blessed with many more.