I by no means am trying to imply that one doesn't have to live with ones own personal choices. Everybody is responsible for their own actions, even the people that choose to be in porn. They have to accept that. They don't get to get away from their choices in my view. However that doesn't somehow absolve all the people in the industry that choose to profit off the people they rightfully know shouldn't be in it or weren't ready to handle it, which is a huge chunk of the people in porn. Just because somebody is willing to do something doesn't always make profiting from it or using them alright. Lets not make them out to nice people or innocent in all of this, because it isn't true. The reality is that there is a incredible amount of lowlifes in the porn industry. That includes everybody from all levels from the actors, producers, owners, directors, webmasters, talent agents, drug dealers, virtual pimps, and everybody else even sometimes (and I hate to say this) the fans.
They are more than happy to do whatever it takes to keep the cash flowing in. If that means taken young girls fresh off the bus when they know it's going to probably screw their lives up then that's what they are going to do. Pressuring people into going into even harder acts or escorting, or people putting up their girlfriends up on the block so they can make money with them, they will do that to. Like one person once said to me that stuck because it's probably true, porn has a greater percentage of sumbags that work in it than any other legal profession in the Western World. The porn industry is a virtual field of landmines of people that you can't trust, and worse.
There is also an incredible amount of things that are wrong about the way the porn industry is run that, quite frankly, deserve to be criticized. While I get irritated at religious nuts as much as anybody, I'm also not going to automatically label anybody that has any complaints at all about the industry as part of some vast conspiracy against it without analyzing what they have to say in an objective matter and considering their opinion. Sometimes I think the industry people and it's fans just don't like hearing about any negative things about it so they rationalize away things that don't present it in a good light because it’s more convenient that way. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with having an porn industry, I don’t think people taking their clothes off is evil, but there is way too many problems with both the way it's run and the people involved in it that make it the way it is.
You also seem like a nice person so I'm also not trying to upset you by being critical for your view on this subject, but I find when you say, "The adult industry does not use people" to be either intentionally or unintentionally disingenuous, a skewed view of the term "use" that most people wouldn't agree with, a bit naive, or maybe just biased since you probably been in the industry long enough to know what happens in it to be naive about it. Maybe it's some combination of that. In any case I don’t agree with it.