10 Pornstars Who Gave Their Bods to God


RePeNT, DaMMit ! :1orglaugh

Holy Shh ! My keyboard has a crucifix key ! What do you suppose that means ! ? :eek: :D

Hey, if somebody wants to flush their mind, body and conscience with whatever, I have no problem whatsoever with their decision so long as they don't come to my door with "the message".

I only wish them the best heretofore and beyond.

:sing: happy trails :sing:
The adult industry does not use people up. You can only be used if you allow it. A lot of these perfomers come in to the adult industry with mental issues already. So may people in adult drink to much, do drugs and think life is a giant party. Then when they want to retire they announce they found God and slam the adult industry. They get a backlash because it is stupid to insult the industry that they chose to get involved in. You can retire and not have to give speech's about how porn is so evil. :2 cents:

Yeah agreed. Also the other thing that is annoying is how the most vocal ones like Shelly Lubben project their own experiences on all women in porn and refuse to accept that there's a segment who are completely comfortable with what they are doing. I remember one time seeing Sasha Grey & her agent on a talk-show along with this group born-again Christian hookers and pornstars. It was so obvious that she has no problem whatsoever with her line of work and she sincerely says she just simply enjoys sex but the whole show became comprised of nothing but the group browbeating her about how porn's evil and telling her that she wasn't really happy. .
"The Body of Chris" (2006) -- Starring newcomer Chris Varney and his well-sculpted body. He and Mrs. Varney, a petite
beauty, love each other on two beaches and in a pool.

"Round Yon Virgin" (2006) -- The raven-haired Louisa Flagler and her well-endowed new husband consummate their
marriage in a Jacuzzi, losing their virginity together.

"Rod Is the Answer" (2005) -- Christian Porn ironman Rod Parker's most memorable film. Known for their marathon
sessions, the Parkers perform in the shower, the kitchen, the garage, and practically every room in the house. Follow-up to the
break-through "In Rod We Trust" (2005).

"Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful" (2004) -- Californians Jodi and Michael Connor follow Sunday service with a love-making
session, inspired by their reverend's words regarding the value of human touch.

"Lazarus Rises" (2004) -- New Jersey's Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Brooks depict marriage during Biblical times. Wardrobe and
locations are impressively authentic.

going off d-rock's comments i think these stars want a backlash, they want people to know they've seen the light, otherwise they wouldn't tell anyone they'd just quit
Christian porn - It's been proposed:



...but it maybe hasn't panned out in practice so well:



OMG, I mean...Holy Sh...I mean, ah fuck it, i don't believe in it anyway.

Why didn't I think of that! I could have been the next L. Ron Hubbard!

That's great! See, porn and christianity can walk the proverbial 'side by side'. Now it's ok for druggies, murderers, alcoholics, compulsive gamblers (pick your hobby that most christians look down upon), can do what they love, AND worship God.

I laughed my ass off on the 3rd link, at the top she's sitting there with a tit hanging out...priceless.
I didn't know that stuff about Linda Lovelace, the part with the dog, it's pretty messed up.

Victimizing people I hate, but in this case I think it's quite accurate. In my eyes, you don't fuck with 600 guys because you're interested in porn, you do it because you're an attention whore and that's a bit tragic.

I presume the porn business can be rather predatory. As a consumer, you have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, unless it's intuitional. But I'd much rather jerk off to someone who I knew chose porn because it's fun and not because she's desperate.

And no offense to JaneB, but am I right in assuming that since you run your own website, and appear quite satisfied with it, that you're not one of those miserable pornstars I speak of? And you've probably not been exposed to what for example Linda Lovelace has been.

There are always miserable people in every branch, who live unfortunate lives. Be it because they're too naive, drug addicts or was raped in their childhood - I still feel bad for them at least.
And porn is, no matter what everyone says, no job for everyone. It takes a special personality to do it. No wonder it can fuck you up (it doesn't have to.)

If these girls chose the church, that's great I think. Whatever it takes for them to get out of a cycle that's ruining their lives. Because I'm pretty sure no one who is in porn for fun would just abruptly quit and go religious all the sudden.
The adult industry does not use people up. You can only be used if you allow it. A lot of these perfomers come in to the adult industry with mental issues already. So may people in adult drink to much, do drugs and think life is a giant party. Then when they want to retire they announce they found God and slam the adult industry. They get a backlash because it is stupid to insult the industry that they chose to get involved in. You can retire and not have to give speech's about how porn is so evil. :2 cents:

I by no means am trying to imply that one doesn't have to live with ones own personal choices. Everybody is responsible for their own actions, even the people that choose to be in porn. They have to accept that. They don't get to get away from their choices in my view. However that doesn't somehow absolve all the people in the industry that choose to profit off the people they rightfully know shouldn't be in it or weren't ready to handle it, which is a huge chunk of the people in porn. Just because somebody is willing to do something doesn't always make profiting from it or using them alright. Lets not make them out to nice people or innocent in all of this, because it isn't true. The reality is that there is a incredible amount of lowlifes in the porn industry. That includes everybody from all levels from the actors, producers, owners, directors, webmasters, talent agents, drug dealers, virtual pimps, and everybody else even sometimes (and I hate to say this) the fans.

They are more than happy to do whatever it takes to keep the cash flowing in. If that means taken young girls fresh off the bus when they know it's going to probably screw their lives up then that's what they are going to do. Pressuring people into going into even harder acts or escorting, or people putting up their girlfriends up on the block so they can make money with them, they will do that to. Like one person once said to me that stuck because it's probably true, porn has a greater percentage of sumbags that work in it than any other legal profession in the Western World. The porn industry is a virtual field of landmines of people that you can't trust, and worse.

There is also an incredible amount of things that are wrong about the way the porn industry is run that, quite frankly, deserve to be criticized. While I get irritated at religious nuts as much as anybody, I'm also not going to automatically label anybody that has any complaints at all about the industry as part of some vast conspiracy against it without analyzing what they have to say in an objective matter and considering their opinion. Sometimes I think the industry people and it's fans just don't like hearing about any negative things about it so they rationalize away things that don't present it in a good light because it’s more convenient that way. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with having an porn industry, I don’t think people taking their clothes off is evil, but there is way too many problems with both the way it's run and the people involved in it that make it the way it is.

You also seem like a nice person so I'm also not trying to upset you by being critical for your view on this subject, but I find when you say, "The adult industry does not use people" to be either intentionally or unintentionally disingenuous, a skewed view of the term "use" that most people wouldn't agree with, a bit naive, or maybe just biased since you probably been in the industry long enough to know what happens in it to be naive about it. Maybe it's some combination of that. In any case I don’t agree with it.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I didn't know that stuff about Linda Lovelace, the part with the dog, it's pretty messed up.

Victimizing people I hate, but in this case I think it's quite accurate. In my eyes, you don't fuck with 600 guys because you're interested in porn, you do it because you're an attention whore and that's a bit tragic.

I presume the porn business can be rather predatory. As a consumer, you have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, unless it's intuitional. But I'd much rather jerk off to someone who I knew chose porn because it's fun and not because she's desperate.

And no offense to JaneB, but am I right in assuming that since you run your own website, and appear quite satisfied with it, that you're not one of those miserable pornstars I speak of? And you've probably not been exposed to what for example Linda Lovelace has been.

There are always miserable people in every branch, who live unfortunate lives. Be it because they're too naive, drug addicts or was raped in their childhood - I still feel bad for them at least.
And porn is, no matter what everyone says, no job for everyone. It takes a special personality to do it. No wonder it can fuck you up (it doesn't have to.)

If these girls chose the church, that's great I think. Whatever it takes for them to get out of a cycle that's ruining their lives. Because I'm pretty sure no one who is in porn for fun would just abruptly quit and go religious all the sudden.

Yes I like what I do. No I am not one of the miserable pornstars. I knew what i was getting into before I joined the industry. You can just walk out of a shoot if you are not into it. I have shown up at a shoot that was not at all what they said it would be. They offered extra money to try and get me to shoot some XXX stuff. I turned around and left. The problem is in porn a lot of people with shoot stuff for the cash even if they hate what they are shooting.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I by no means am trying to imply that one doesn't have to live with ones own personal choices. Everybody is responsible for their own actions, even the people that choose to be in porn. They have to accept that. They don't get to get away from their choices in my view. However that doesn't somehow absolve all the people in the industry that choose to profit off the people they rightfully know shouldn't be in it or weren't ready to handle it, which is a huge chunk of the people in porn. Just because somebody is willing to do something doesn't always make profiting from it or using them alright. Lets not make them out to nice people or innocent in all of this, because it isn't true. The reality is that there is a incredible amount of lowlifes in the porn industry. That includes everybody from all levels from the actors, producers, owners, directors, webmasters, talent agents, drug dealers, virtual pimps, and everybody else even sometimes (and I hate to say this) the fans.

They are more than happy to do whatever it takes to keep the cash flowing in. If that means taken young girls fresh off the bus when they know it's going to probably screw their lives up then that's what they are going to do. Pressuring people into going into even harder acts or escorting, or people putting up their girlfriends up on the block so they can make money with them, they will do that to. Like one person once said to me that stuck because it's probably true, porn has a greater percentage of sumbags that work in it than any other legal profession in the Western World. The porn industry is a virtual field of landmines of people that you can't trust, and worse.

There is also an incredible amount of things that are wrong about the way the porn industry is run that, quite frankly, deserve to be criticized. While I get irritated at religious nuts as much as anybody, I'm also not going to automatically label anybody that has any complaints at all about the industry as part of some vast conspiracy against it without analyzing what they have to say in an objective matter and considering their opinion. Sometimes I think the industry people and it's fans just don't like hearing about any negative things about it so they rationalize away things that don't present it in a good light because it’s more convenient that way. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with having an porn industry, I don’t think people taking their clothes off is evil, but there is way too many problems with both the way it's run and the people involved in it that make it the way it is.

You also seem like a nice person so I'm also not trying to upset you by being critical for your view on this subject, but I find when you say, "The adult industry does not use people" to be either intentionally or unintentionally disingenuous, a skewed view of the term "use" that most people wouldn't agree with, a bit naive, or maybe just biased since you probably been in the industry long enough to know what happens in it to be naive about it. Maybe it's some combination of that. In any case I don’t agree with it.

You are seeing things from the point of view of a person not in the industry. When you work in it you see it differently. There are lowlifes in any profession. It is not hard to find out who the lowlife in porn is. It is also the performers job to get references for anyone that wants to work with them. That is why is is also best to hire an agent. Women and men fresh off the bus can also find an agent asap. The porn industry is not responsible for anyone that is not ready to be in the industry. Plenty of people on here do not work in porn, but they know how it works. The real problem is a lot of these people just want the fast cash. They will shoot anything, even things they do not like to make a few grand. That is their fault for being willing to do anything for money.

I have been in the industry for years. I have never been used and abused because I would not allow myself to be. I turned down contracts from Sin City and other companies because I did not want to shoot hardcore. Anyone can turn down any offer if they want to. If they choose to shoot things because they want the cash or the fame, I do not feel sorry for them. You do not have to agree with me. I think I know the industry a lot better and it is not filled with victims. It is hard to feel bad for someone that says they were a victim, but they stayed in the industry for several years. If you don't want to work in it, leave it then. :2 cents:

Will E Worm

I have no problem whatsoever with their decision so long as they don't come to my door with "the message".

I'm coming over to your home. ;)

I by no means am trying to imply that one doesn't have to live with ones own personal choices. Everybody is responsible for their own actions, even the people that choose to be in porn. They have to accept that. They don't get to get away from their choices in my view. However that doesn't somehow absolve all the people in the industry that choose to profit off the people they rightfully know shouldn't be in it or weren't ready to handle it, which is a huge chunk of the people in porn.

It is a pretty sleazy business. Not just because of the guys who don't pay enough. The females are as much to blame as the producers.

Like the girls that want their videos taken down once they have "changed" or after they are married. Once you sign a contract to make the video and are paid, forget about it. It was your choice.

Also, the girls who won't do anything, but want you to pay to see their breasts or just solo "action." They take advantage of their gullible fans. Next Door Nikki is a great example of this.

Linda Lovelace is on that list, but shouldn't be.

She was in porn, then she left, then she decided to make a comeback, then died in a car wreak.
The end.
i've noticed a lot of people seem to think being a pornstar is like living with some debilitating disease that at some point just eats the person up. i'd say it's harder than your average job because of the social stigma that accompanies it. if an individual has the right mindset to not be bothered by that stigma, to thrive upon it, or realize that it's a stigma from some bullshit puritan ethic they'll be fine :D. for me porn is a celebration of sexuality...hollywood, on the other hand, is the true pornography with it's celebration of violence.


This is an illustration in the difference between an agnostic and an atheist -

On turning to God

For the agnostic the topic at hand is : :dunno:

For the atheist the topic at hand is : :flame: :mad: :crash:

:D :laugh:
All I know is that if you act responsibly and know what you are doing in the industry whether you are a male or a female performer, you won't have any problems. Taking drugs, drinking alcohol relentlessly or fucking any guy or any girl without protecting yourself against stds is the most irresponsible and dumbest attitude a pornstar can have. Also a woman that lets herself getting abused in the adult industry is a bad sign and also a lack of self confidence. We had crissy "the softie" moran on that board, she wrote about how her years with Jake Ryan were not that good. Before giving any consentement, know who you are dealing with. If you are a weakminded person with no ability to deal with serious responsibilities, then blame your ownself and not the porn industry.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
All I know is that if you act responsibly and know what you are doing in the industry whether you are a male or a female performer, you won't have any problems. Taking drugs, drinking alcohol relentlessly or fucking any guy or any girl without protecting yourself against stds is the most irresponsible and dumbest attitude a pornstar can have. Also a woman that lets herself getting abused in the adult industry is a bad sign and also a lack of self confidence. We had crissy "the softie" moran on that board, she wrote about how her years with Jake Ryan were not that good. Before giving any consentement, know who you are dealing with. If you are a weakminded person with no ability to deal with serious responsibilities, then blame your ownself and not the porn industry.

Jake Ryan was a prick, to bad it took her 4 years to figure that out. :2 cents: