10 Lies Much Bigger than "You Can Keep Your Policy"

so 3 times a year makes me a pot head?????????? I think its been since feb 2014 since I had weed and it was in a rice krispie treat.

Yes it makes some people paranoid but that passes and then they're fine. Try that with someone going through heroine overdose, or alcohol overdose. That will KILL YOU purely from the chemical amount. Not some secondary side effect that is a result of being out of shape or having a fucking heart condition. and someone getting paranoid isn't an overdose idiot. rapid heart rate to kill someone? POST THE FUCKING PROOF OF IT HAPPENING. You sound like an old man who watched reefer madness.

NO SUCH THING AS A LETHAL DOSE. you have refused to see proof and logic in every other aspect of things so why I expect you to see it here is ridiculous. You dont think alcohol is a gateway drug even though 91% of teens say their first drug was alcohol. You refuse to post proof of your claims. You claim that weed is giving people heart attacks yet won't post the proof of a single instance.