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  1. G

    I am afraid I am going to have to defend Obama on not showing up for the Paris march

    Some may say you are in left field, but in reality you are not even in the ball park - did not get a ticket to the game. What is your next effort for ass hat of the year award three years in a row? gotmyvote
  2. G

    Is it contradictory for a pornstar to be a christian?

    Looks like you are in line for ass hat of the year award, 3 years running. If nothing else, you got my vote.
  3. G

    What Do You Think of the Ass as a Whole?

    it depends on the babe - does she have a whole lotta ass or is the ass a hole?
  4. G

    Have you ever masturbated in public?

    I don't think anyone saw me while I was driving down the road, so to answer op q, no!