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  1. U

    Who is she? any ideas?
  2. U

    Who is the girl??? I got no clue.
  3. U

    What football clubs do you people support?

    The raider nations sucks its all about the Broncos:tongue: . That raider nation is loving the 1-5.:nanner: :nanner: :nanner:
  4. U

    John Kerry now the next president.

    I find it sad that you continue to defend your stance on farmers and people in those states being of lower intelligence. You need to make an excuse for Bush winning; well have you forgotten that Kerry also could have "convinced them" to vote for him. They could have been just as trusting to...
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    John Kerry now the next president.

    [No message]
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    John Kerry now the next president.

    By the way son you know nothing about politics. You should understand that calling fellow Americans idiots is an insult against our great Nation and its people. My boy, how would you be feeling if the farmers did not supply you with your food. Personally, your comments about the American...
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    John Kerry now the next president.

    I'm millitary, and I think we know what we are fighting for. A safer planet with freedom for people of all cultures. Many take for granted the freedoms they enjoy in the US everyday. Also, look at the casualty list and see how most died. The popular vote and rise in the hosue and senate is...
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    John Kerry now the next president.

    My theory is if you have self-confidence and dont care what people think about you via (always beeing on the side of polls) and does whats best not for just us individually, but for the world ahead of us be it fighting abroad. War is a part of humanity, there will never be world peace, there...
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    Ass pics

    Anyone know a good place for strait out pics of a girls big ass in the air?
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    Who is this?

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    Who is this?

    Does anyone know any girls that look like this with these kind of tits in a sort of home picture look.
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    Who is this?

    yea just realized that lol, wish I could delete this thread.
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    Who is this?

    Who is this chick? and where can you find more pics of her?
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    Who is this?

    who is this person? and where can you find more pics of her if you know?