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  1. L

    What pisses you off?

    being the DD at the bar and getting my car hit in the parking lot and people that are overly concerned with things that arent their business
  2. L

    Cars that repel women

    muscle cars definitely dont belong on that list, i <3 classic american muscle. SUVs arent too bad i guess, but theyre kind of right about the rest (yes including the viper, it just makes me think of a mid life crisis).... theres a lot that i thought would rank higher on the repellent list than...
  3. L

    How to close the deal on a girl?

    this is probably your best way to go, except you dont have to wait a few days to call her. contrary to what a lot of guys say/think, calling the next day doesnt make us think that you are needy, it lets us know that you are interested and makes us feel good so as long as you arent blowing up her...