Search results

  1. darthsnake

    Who is this Brunette?
  2. darthsnake

    Busty brunette
  3. darthsnake

    Identify the girl in this video
  4. darthsnake

    Racks and Blacks girl

    Olivia Del Rio
  5. darthsnake

    Racks and Blacks girl,0,0,0,3328
  6. darthsnake

    who is this latina?

    she is money talks host
  7. darthsnake

    whats the name of this redhead

    didn't find the scene
  8. darthsnake

    who is this blonde

  9. darthsnake

    who is this brunette

  10. darthsnake

    who is this blonde

  11. darthsnake

    whats the name of this redhead

  12. darthsnake

    Whats the position called?

    but what is it called in porn terms? i mean if i wanna search for videos of that position,what is the keyword
  13. darthsnake

    Whats the position called?

  14. darthsnake

    name the babe

  15. darthsnake

    name the babe
  16. darthsnake

    Gran Turismo 5 offical release date 24 November

    this game is gonna be BIG
  17. darthsnake

    God of War PSP Games on PS3

    the new PSP GOW is indeed really great surely the best graphics ever on PSP and the game is alot better than Chains of Olympus and much better story
  18. darthsnake

    Final Fantasy PS3 Collection

    FF collection will surely happen we are not talking about a remake but just a collection like GOW FF7 Remake will only happen when Square Enic is in financial trouble or on PS4 there is just too much money they can earn from that game for them to not make it and the recent Square has been...
  19. darthsnake

    Final Fantasy PS3 Collection

    it will come out before Final Fantasy 13 versus MGS collection will release too before rising
  20. darthsnake

    God of War PSP Games on PS3

    it will happen but that would defeat the purpose of PSP and as its dying in sales,they will only bring it after PSP is near its 10th year cycle completion
  21. darthsnake

    Help OMG It's Jessie Lee

    hope she gets her dose and up to healing ways fast
  22. darthsnake

    Metal Gear Solid 5?

    obiously Kojima would to do but i think another game is really coming from Kojima before the end of this gen and then MGS5 on PS4
  23. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    Edit by Regina: Told you to stop these childish arguments
  24. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    :facepalm: you need to first go learn the meaning of 1st grade logic then come tell me about 2nd grade opinion? - thats what you were giving,always bit bias i was just saying that they all basically do the same thing,they have some high's and some lows but you gving one the advantage and...
  25. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    all companies try out alot of things in R&D,all this doesn't prove anything sure you did forget it,you like to trun things to make your point and bias that isn't what was the discussion,it was what whether it was different or not and yeah it can provide different experiences AND EYETOY...
  26. darthsnake

    Call of duty Black Ops

    Come on cooldown you did advise him but the way in which you did was very rude
  27. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    how the hell can you say that they had the idea first? there were alot of motion control linked peripheral even then so ninty didn't have the idea at first which is what i have been trying to say they were all trying,ninty perfected their own thing with the wii but that doesn't make them the...
  28. darthsnake

    do you feel DLC is kind of a rip off?

    i hate DLC too i want the full game when i pay for it if theyb really want to do something different then it should come in the next game not just putting out small things out there
  29. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    it is a long process it doesn't mean that they had wii in their mind so many years ago they tried out things like so many other companies yeah they continued work on it but what they did before and what they did with the wii is completely different 'something' now you are...
  30. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    just because they had some small link to motion control doesn't mean wii came out of it. taht way everything in this world is linked doesn't mean we give everything the credit not saying that nintendo didn't do anything,just that wii came a long time after it and that there is no substantial...
  31. darthsnake

    MGS3 : Snake Eater

    MY FAV game of all time
  32. darthsnake

    Bad Company 2 - 3D Vision problem

    YES HE DID,he also posted it that it was a driver problem
  33. darthsnake


  34. darthsnake


  35. darthsnake


  36. darthsnake

    >>>> FreeOnes 12.5 Anniversary Raffle <<<<

    buying even though it is hard to win in this
  37. darthsnake

    It's QUIZ time! Answer questions and win free porn!

    very easy,just naming a cat out out what a gazillion porn videos out there
  38. darthsnake

    Porn Tech Support

    phd cocktor
  39. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    virtual boy wasn't motion control i am not saying ninty doesn't do anything but just to say that everything else is a copy isn't correct either and then to say that kinect has the edge,tottaly wrong
  40. darthsnake


    well they were little big planet 2 and super mario galaxy 2 super mario galaxy 2 got alot of perfect scores totally agree i don't like it being singled out as it is perfection in its genre fallout new vegas surely won't win seems to be the same thing and bethesda isn't making it
  41. darthsnake

    Bad Company 2 - 3D Vision problem

    this isn't a thread for that sort of comment.the guy was having some problem so he asked for the solution not whether 3D is ur like or not
  42. darthsnake

    Hello,who is the girl in ur AVATAR?

    Hello,who is the girl in ur AVATAR?
  43. darthsnake

    Hello,who is the girl in ur sig?

    Hello,who is the girl in ur sig?
  44. darthsnake


  45. darthsnake

    hello,who is the girl in your avatar?

    hello,who is the girl in your avatar?
  46. darthsnake

    hello,who is the girl in your avatar?

    hello,who is the girl in your avatar?
  47. darthsnake

    Bad Company 2 - 3D Vision problem

    it has to be a driver isuue then
  48. darthsnake

    whats the

    well if you have a PS3,you could play star wars clone wars that is the only one that has somebody that click in ur mind and also free