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  1. S

    What Do You Think Of Farmers?

    Biggest gamblers in the world. margins are so slim you HAVE to be right. most years are a break even proposition at best. And to thinks that if they didn't love what they did and have a connection to the land and thei:)r work we would all starve.
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    blonde milf

    Looks like Johnny Black?
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    Anyone collect Lee-Enfields?

    Not into the bolt actions myself,(very nice rifles by the way) but I do have a soft spot for the greatest battle rifle ever M1A1 garand. Nice to see someone else on the boards likes the firearms:glugglug:
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    Milf with big fat ass

    Sammie Sparks
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    Veronica Zemanova / Veronika Zemanova

    Re: Veronica Zemanova Its out there i have a copy of it on my HD. :)
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    Cheerleader In Videotaped Beating Shows Face.

    Those kids acted all grown up and taped the beatdown to become famous. Well they're famous now and famous people get death threats. :1orglaugh Dr. Phil bailed on e of them for exclusive rights etc.. Hope those kids get thrown in big boy ass rape prison. it'll be jus a matter of hours before...
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    north american union: yea or nay?

    There are no statutes nor language in the Constitution that makes it illegal. But in practice we fought a war over it and 600k dead proved that there isn't much chance of it happening again.
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    "Consent to Search Program"

    4th amendment. Anyone? Anyone? Makes me sick that people would just roll over and let the cops trample their God given rights:dunno:
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    Blonde milf with glasses???

    Dalny Marga
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    Have you met a pornstar?

    I met lovette at a club. Nice woman. super short too (maybye 5'?)
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    Do You Have Any Idea . . . ?

    the spp is really quite simple. It (spp) is the efforst of the three governments to set up the precursor to a north american union in the vein of EU type organization without any legislative oversight. The benefits for "trade" do not outweigh the loss of soverignty for all those involved. it...
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    Gun Control Groups Prepare for 'National Day of Protest'

    One of the main reasons that this hasn't happened in the states is exactly because of the ownership of firearms by the general population. Remember an armed person is a citizen, an unarmed one is a slave.