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  1. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    I have an F1-button on my keyboard (y)
  2. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Who is your daddy and what does he do?
  3. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Well I did....20 years ago maybe. Mostly at central stations.
  4. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Ha! I remembered my PSN account and my password!
  5. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Me: "Na bro. I'm not into watching movies and tv shows anymore." Also me: "A 3h Endless Expert Run on Super Mario Maker 2 on youtube?! Omg YES!!"
  6. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Dental plan!
  7. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    When I was a teenage boy I never thought I would find a (good) job or the love of my life. I was the shy one, an introvert, never stood up for myself. But now something has changed.
  8. Bonezstorm

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Late night with the devil
  9. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    What an odd thing to say
  10. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Do I need the BCL Fook Finger patch?
  11. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Remember to always say "Thank you" to your Alexa.
  12. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    No one will try to kidnap you if you are a worthless piece of shit
  13. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    I want sex
  14. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    In Germany we say: "You are what you eat." But I don't remember eating a miserable piece of shit.
  15. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Lisa needs braces!
  16. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    It's Bart's moon party from outer space with R2D2 playing the bass!
  17. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

  18. Bonezstorm

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Yeah, pretty much. Even though it is "short" when you rush through it. But you can get iconic cyberware, new clothes and of course new weapons.
  19. Bonezstorm

    Cyberpunk 2077

  20. Bonezstorm

    Cyberpunk 2077

    There are two females, but only one of them is heterosexual.
  21. Bonezstorm

    Cyberpunk 2077

    There is no "right" or "wrong" in this game. I pretty much farm XP points before going into "the heist"-mission (thats appproximately lvl 36 or something). Storywise you can make decisions that seem to be "bad" or "worse", but then when you dig deeper into the story or collect shards or meet...
  22. Bonezstorm

    what game are you playing right now?

    I bought Horizon: Forbidden West for my PS5. Only have played like 10 hrs our so, even due to the fact I have plenty of free time. I don't know, maybe I am bored. Never thought I'd be getting bored of playing video games.
  23. Bonezstorm

    Fact About Yourself Thread

    I automatically assume that a job is not worth of my time
  24. Bonezstorm

    Answer a Question with a Question!

    You guys actually think with your cocks instead of your brain?
  25. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    What the hell happened here?
  26. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    I need a ticket to Candy Island.
  27. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Why do I watch videos of dead malls? Is it because I am also dead inside?
  28. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Why are you geh?!11!!
  29. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    Das halte ich für ein Gerücht
  30. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    Bordelle sind aber auch nicht mehr das, was sie mal waren.
  31. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    Ich hab das Gefühl ich muss noch mal richtig einen wegstecken. So richtig.
  32. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    Fast richtig
  33. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    Okay. Ich muss vielleicht etwas ausholen dabei: Ich bin kein Survival-Mensch, kein Prepper oder Outdoor-Waldläufer und schon gar kein Soldat. Ich verurteile Schusswaffen (auch und gerade weil hier Schützenfeste veranstaltet werden). Schlagringe, Butterflies und Springmesser sind asozial und...
  34. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    § 42a WaffG ist scheiße!
  35. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    When I was young I always struggled to find a job and a woman that I love to raise a family and live happily together. But now that I'm in my mid 30's I can finally say: I don't give a damn.
  36. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    Hi, ich selber habe "natürlich" meine Sorgen, wie die nahe Zukunft sein wird. Ich persönlich werde aber mMn gut über die Runden kommen. Aber ich merke auch, dass mich das schlaucht. Was mich auch umtreibt ist der gesellschaftliche Wandel: ich habe das Gefühl die Hemmschwelle für Gewalt und...
  37. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Shoes are hard socks
  38. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Mobs don't spawn on half slaps
  39. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Sleep is just a window to another universe.
  40. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    Dicke Titten!
  41. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    Ich fand's irgendwie cool, wie gechillt Quälix vorher immer geblieben ist
  42. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Does Cara Delevingne suck cocks for money?
  43. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    What does that mean?
  44. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    So a little while ago I was walking down the beach to shoot some houses. But I was not the president of the US, so I wasn't privilegded enough to do so. #monumentmythos
  45. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    I ate ravioli today. Tasted like human skin. I have some ideas now.....
  46. Bonezstorm


  47. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Still depression, but "lesser" depression than sunday
  48. Bonezstorm

    °°°Der Deutsche Thread°°°

    So wie ein "Freedom-Day".
  49. Bonezstorm

    Random Statement Thread II

    Depression always hits me hard on sundays