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  1. K

    Euro pornstar angel wing tattoos

    Trying to ID a star - she has angel wing tattoos on her back, as well as tattoos down her arms. She has short brown hair? Any ideas?
  2. K

    Savannah Gold's Throat Slit

    Yeah, but in the good old days it was the Krays doing all the murdering and robbing, and HEROES like Ronnie Biggs (not complicit in the murder of innocent civilian at all). At least they were OUR scumbags. The "England for the English" twats just demonstrate a total and utter lack of...
  3. K

    Pornstars who look like Celebrities / Porn Star-Celeb Look-Alike

    Re: Pornstars who look like celebrities Liliane Tiger and Simonetta "Apollonia Corleone" Stefanelli the similarities more pronounced when liliane has dark hair
  4. K

    OMG, POOR CASTER.....She is confirmed to be intersexed!

    Her name's an anagram of "Yes a secret man". Just one of those things. The athletics governing body has treated her appalingly. Shame for her.