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  1. P

    Banned in Britain...

  2. P

    Best looking girl with a dick in the mouth - top 10

    Brittany Spears & her whore-bag, mother and sister!!!
  3. P

    Banned in Britain...

    Yes, Ben Dover's Banned in Britain series..
  4. P

    Banned in Britain...

  5. P

    Banned in Britain...

    Does anyone have any Banned in Britain free videos, or anything to do with it at all..? I can't find any of the videos in any porn shop or online anywhere in the country, or any other one for that matter. It's gotta be my absolute favorite series of all time, for some reason. I saw one a long...
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    Nude pics in phone lost at McDonald's get online

    i prefer Burger King over McDonalds any day of the week...
  7. P

    Always on the look-out for "Banned in Britain" series videos. Free, or not. I'd actually love to...

    Always on the look-out for "Banned in Britain" series videos. Free, or not. I'd actually love to find them on DVD, or Tape. Unfortunately, they seem to be banned evrywhere, because I cannot locate a source for them. This includes all of the adult entertainment stores I've ever been in, in 48...
  8. P

    Could you pass the new citizenship test?

    You guys think you are bad...I didn't even know that there was a test these immigrants had to pass to begin with. I bet the first question the student immigrants ask when they get the test is "Do you have a copy of the test in Spanish?" Most of them these days would need the test...