Search results

  1. mrtrebus

    Quack Like A Duck - Porno

  2. mrtrebus

    Tanlines / Tan Lines

    who dat?
  3. mrtrebus

    Who's the Darkest Porn Star ?

    Any new additions? I want them with skin as black as midnight!
  4. mrtrebus

    Peach fuzz on female ass, back, legs, etc.!

    Wow! Who is she?
  5. mrtrebus

    Peach fuzz on female ass, back, legs, etc.!

    OMG! Who is that?
  6. mrtrebus

    Bangles, Arm Braclets etc

  7. mrtrebus

    "I love you" vids

    any more?
  8. mrtrebus

    Tanlines / Tan Lines

    I wanna see black girls with tanlines!
  9. mrtrebus

    Visibly cock down the throat

    I know this is fake. But any more gifs like this?
  10. mrtrebus

    Collection of Cumshot Gifs

    Suck it Dry 10
  11. mrtrebus

    pornstars with abs

  12. mrtrebus

    "I love you" vids

  13. mrtrebus

    Quack Like A Duck - Porno

  14. mrtrebus

    Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want (again or maybe for the first time)

    No one. We are all part of life's rich tapestry. One world. One race. One love. No. There's room for you in my subterranean domain. More than you could know. More than I could express. How da fuck would I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. mrtrebus

    Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want (again or maybe for the first time)

    Gender reassignment surgery No Yes. Underground. In my shelter. Waiting for the end of times. Mauve actually. The gods demanded it! It was preordained. I had no say in the matter. The one with big tits Its the night train! No. . .
  16. mrtrebus

    Krystal Boyd - AKA: Abbie, Abby, Abby C, Anjelica, Ebbi, Snejanna

    She deserves all my sperm
  17. mrtrebus

    who knows (answer to both questions)

    who knows (answer to both questions)
  18. mrtrebus

    Quack Like A Duck - Porno

  19. mrtrebus

    Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want (again or maybe for the first time)

    Like the title says. For those that I haven't started talking to in PM's and whatnot... ask me anything you like or have ever wanted to know about me. :shy:
  20. mrtrebus

    Shemale/Tranny Super Cumshot

  21. mrtrebus

    A question about the Police where you live?

    I bet they do, as they are bashing your head in!! Actually, they are probably shooting you if you are from the americas.
  22. mrtrebus

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    O Lucky Man!
  23. mrtrebus

    What are you listening to right now?

  24. mrtrebus

    Haiku contest: win free passes to clubgreeneyed

    No. & for future reference, there are no puppets in my avatar. :ban:
  25. mrtrebus

    This should be mandatory for all cars.

    Amazing! A woman driving a car! :rolleyes:
  26. mrtrebus

    The Greatest Songwriter of Our Generation Has Returned

    That wasn't his song!!! :mad: pfvTLevXT38 :nanner::goodpost:
  27. mrtrebus

    What are you listening to right now?

  28. mrtrebus

    The Movie Music Thread

  29. mrtrebus

    What was the biggest age difference?

    :nono: :dislike:
  30. mrtrebus

    What was the biggest age difference?

    Well done sir!
  31. mrtrebus

    R.E.M. calls it quits

    Cyberstalker! But your obsession with me is understandable. You adore me!!! Oh & stop going off topic. OBEY THE RULES!!! :ban:
  32. mrtrebus

    Haiku contest: win free passes to clubgreeneyed

    It's up to you man.
  33. mrtrebus

    Drinks and food.

  34. mrtrebus

    Do pornstars have a double (imitator)???

    too rude?!? In porn?!? :rolleyes:
  35. mrtrebus

    R.E.M. calls it quits

  36. mrtrebus

    Germany, Fucked up country

    & Caledonians! 50rEIHC6lB0
  37. mrtrebus

    Megadeth - TH1RT3EN

    Arm operation?!? What a wimp, that bloke off of Def Leppard lost an arm & carried on!!! :mad:
  38. mrtrebus

    Let's Deal With It Nonviolently Now.

    But why would I "like it"?!? When have I demonstrated that I feel the same way about Moore to "like it"?!?
  39. mrtrebus

    Haiku contest: win free passes to clubgreeneyed

    Not all the time.
  40. mrtrebus

    What are you listening to right now?

    wbKQWKW_dfk :banger:
  41. mrtrebus

    Let's Deal With It Nonviolently Now.

    What possible reason could you have for saying that. . .you oddity! :dislike:
  42. mrtrebus

    Why Has "Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez Not Been Executed?

    This is the only Night Stalker I know. . . -Xfl0m6U8IE
  43. mrtrebus

    A question about the Police where you live?

    The police all throughout the UK are institutionally corrupt!!!
  44. mrtrebus

    Let's Deal With It Nonviolently Now.

    disgraceful thing to say. Especially from a mod!! :ban:
  45. mrtrebus

    Let's Deal With It Nonviolently Now.

    Non violence is the answer. . . We shall overcome. :sing:
  46. mrtrebus

    Smokers need not apply...

  47. mrtrebus

    Smokers need not apply...

    Good. We do not need those sort of people working for us!!!!