Search results

  1. P

    Michelle Brown / Michele

    i've been searching in vain to see michelle brown take a cock in a non-fetish way. her scene for tlib with andrea anderson piqued my interest, but sadly, the dick was too big for her, and she was reduced to a supporting role. all the other scenes i've found have her fucking machines or getting...
  2. P

    Choose Your "Trophy Fucks"

    Re: Who would you fuck every single day? i've been having a thing for charlie james lately
  3. P

    where you get porn

    i enjoy the free porn on the series of tubes. someday when finances allow i'll get some pay porn. i wish there was a way to pay one fee for a lot of major sites like brazzers, naughty america, bangbros, etc. if there is, enlighten me.
  4. P

    What's your favorite porno search site?

    i've been using a lot lately, though i use as many as it takes to get the job done. curious as to what other people's faves are and also if there are good sites exclusively dedicated to ffm, fffm....(as long as there's only 1 m it's all good)
  5. P

    can't enlarge embedded quicktimes

    i did the save target as... thing and it worked! thanks a pantload! (seriously) curious, does anyone else have this problem? it happens all the time to me lately on most porn surf engines and the brazzers sites, even tons of freeones pages automatically open in these crappy embedded quicktime...
  6. P

    can't enlarge embedded quicktimes

    when i surf for the porn lately, i get all these quicktime videos that i can't enlarge. what am i doing wrong and how do i fix it? note: i tried to post this topic like ten minutes ago, but it did not appear and i don't know if it's because i included a link or what; so if this appears as a...
  7. P

    can't maximize embedded quicktimes

    so lately when i surf for the porno, i get all these embedded quicktime movies that i can't enlarge. i'm using a pc, and never had this problem before the last month or so. i am using a different computer than the one i was using previously. it seems that most sites are going to these, like...