Search results

  1. W

    Bernie Madoff Gets 150 Years in Prison

    He took the fall for his kids and employees. And that's too bad. By pleading guilty he prevented the Feds from going after the other criminals who were obviously complicit. He sent out trading "results" quarterly. Is anyone so naive that they believe he manufavtured these without anyone...
  2. W

    Accidental facial

    Who is this woman? She's sensational.
  3. W

    Tallest pornstar?

    Tera is 5' 7" or 5' 8" tops. Been next to her on a number of occasions. Remember she's half asian.
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    Brazil Oil Finds May End Reliance on Middle East

    Oil prices are high for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the preferred tax treatment oil speculators receive. they can risk very little while driving the price sky high. These laws/regulations need to be changed.
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    Putting it back in after a creampie

    Are there any videos that show a guy putting it back in after a creampie?
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    Hottest Tennis players

    Re: Hottest Tennisplayers It's been well-known for years on the tour that Sabatini is not interested in the male of the species.